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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mattis mauris ut ullamcorper condimentum. Nullam finibus laoreet dui sed tristique. Aliquam consectetur lacinia tortor, vel molestie ex rutrum ut. Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue a. Suspendisse convallis condimentum semper. Donec commodo quis massa ut eleifend. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non. Nulla sagittis felis eget mi faucibus molestie. Phasellus sit amet pellentesque lacus, sit amet placerat odio.

Dark Dungeons (#1) Dark Dungeons - March 25, 2002
Jabberwock Jabberwock
What have I gotten myself into? I don’t like my live-in wiccan anymore.

BoudreauxBig Daddy? (#2) Big Daddy? - April 10, 2002
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"It’s just like someone ‘proving’ that 'good will always prevail' using nothing but Star Trek references pertaining to the triumphs of Captain Picard."

BoudreauxIt's Coming! (#3) It's Coming - May 8, 2002
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Sin had corrupted the entire human race... giving them third eyes, transforming them into members of KISS, making them wear raincoats, removing their eyes!"

BoudreauxThat Crazy Guy! (#4) That Crazy Guy! - August 15, 2003
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Craig’s so cute… and real crazy! …He covers himself in Vasoline and rolls around in dead ladybugs! Then he eats a whole roll of electrical tape!"

The Gay BladeBoudreaux (#5) The Gay Blade - September 20, 2003
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Mia D. Mia D.

Something in Common?Boudreaux (#6) Something in Common? - April 29, 2005
Matt "Djur" Boeh Matt "Djur" Boeh
"Fun fact: the world’s two biggest religions feature conceptions without the aid of a human male. Christianity has the Holy Money Shot, and Buddhism has a weird legend about a dream of a white elephant f#$&ing Gautama’s mother with his trunk. I suspect this is due to remnants of matriarchal theology."

BoudreauxOne Way! (#7) One Way! - May 28, 2005
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"You know, what kind of God makes a tree that s#!ts poisonous concrete powder? That’s just a really stupid idea for a tree. May as well have made, like, 'knifegrass' and 'rapebushes' while he was at it."

Kidnapped!Boudreaux (#8) Kidnapped! - May 29, 2005
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Anyone stupid enough to think a sane adult male would keep kittens in the trunk of his car, and that they’d survive in there all constantly mewling and sucking up the air deserves to be abducted."

BoudreauxBirds and the Bees (#9) Birds and the Bees - May 31, 2005
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Jack tries for innocent, cute and endearing, but he ends up with simple-minded, chipmunk-like and obnoxiously saccharine."

BoudreauxGomez is Coming (#10) Gomez is Coming - November, 26, 2006
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Psst, you have to always cover your face when you pray. It’s so that when Jesus comes into your heart, he won’t get any in your eyes."

BoudreauxIn the Beginning (#11) In the Beginning - November 27, 2006
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"All my dialog is just unfounded accusations and claims, and the trick is that you’ll end up believing it by the end no matter what, because you’re written, like all Chick’s characters, like a naive and spineless moron with no idea what you’re talking about"

BoudreauxIt's Your Life! (#12) It's Your Life! - January 5, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Come, you have an appointment. Due to weight restrictions, I’m afraid I can only take your head, right arm, and shoulder."

BoudreauxThe Accident (#13) The Accident - January 10, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"'God in Heaven' as opposed to, what, God Johnson down the street? God in Mexico? God in an Applebee’s?"

BoudreauxBewitched? (#14) Bewitched? - February 16, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Hey, grandma, thanks for waking me back up into this horrible nightmare of a world! What’s that? Jesus? Sure, I’ll buy whatever the hell you want to tell me. Just let me die."

BoudreauxA Love Story (#15) A Love Story - March 18, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"You know that time you pretended to be a wizard and acted like you were casting magic spells? Well, he saw that, too, so consider yourself stuck with two flat tires in the middle of S#!t County."

BoudreauxFlight 144 (#16) Flight 144 - April 16, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Everything is under control. It’s perfectly normal that there’s a giant flower with a single, cyclopean eye and a long body made of curly, black hair engulfing the airplane engine."

BoudreauxHere, Kitty Kitty! (#17) Here, Kitty Kitty! - April 29, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Special guest illustration by Charles Schulz……..’s corpse."

BoudreauxThe Little Ghost (#18) The Little Ghost - May 4, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"God is the one sentencing people to eternal damnation if they don’t believe in him. Jesus should save people from him."

BoudreauxFairy Tales? (#19) Fairy Tales? - May 13, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Hi, Harry. Hi, Stereotypical-Black-Juvenile-Hall-Inmate. I told you I’d be back!"

BoudreauxWounded Children (#20) Wounded Children - May 21, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"All gay men played with dolls growing up. Because all gay men, as previously mentioned, are really just women with penises."

BoudreauxBaby Talk (#21) Baby Talk - June 3, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Nothing draws in potential readers like putting a nightmarish, one-armed, half-torsoed baby with a wailing, adult-sized head on the cover of your comic."

The Missing DayBoudreaux (#22) The Missing Day - June 10, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"The Pilgrims praised God for letting them live. They honored and thanked God for bringing them to America. The Native Americans? Meh, f&%k ‘em, it was all God."

Boudreauxsomebody Goofed (#23) Somebody Goofed - June 25, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock

BoudreauxBest Friend (#24) Best Friend - July 2, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"My sins are gone, and my navel mouth has been healed! It’s turned into a continuous smug grin, just like yours, Suzie!"

BoudreauxA Demon's Nightmare (#25) A Demon's Nightmare - July 9, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Rarend Rarend
"Not only does Chick have no idea what real people are like, he also thinks that there would be a film called 'The Billion $ Movie'."

BoudreauxThe Last Generation (#26) The Last Generation - July, 15, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Yes, you too can win a trip to the thrilling and luxurious Camp 009-H735! Let’s play… Do You Want to Join Larry’s Mom?

BoudreauxGuilty? (#27) Guilty? - July 23, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Ascendance Ascendance
"Listen here, officer, I’m friends with the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He comes to all my dad’s Halloween parties, and he… well, he’s like my uncle. His wife bakes me brownies. So you’d better let me off."

BoudreauxCharlie's Ants (#28) Charlie's Ants - July 30, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"No, it all started when God created two incredibly stupid but curious people, gave vague and arbitrary instructions about a tree, and then was shocked — SHOCKED! — when they disobeyed him, bettering themselves in the process."

The Devil's NightBoudreaux (#29) The Devil's Night - August 7, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Grrr! I’ll come as a mincing pederast! Er, I mean… a werewolf."

BoudreauxThe Trial (#30) The Trial - August 13, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"You could cook a steak with a clothes iron on that grizzly, horrible face of his. Perhaps someone already has."

BoudreauxCreator or Liar? (#31) Creator or Liar? - August 20, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Oh goody. I, for one, am just bursting at the seams to spend the rest of my life being an uptight, morally condescending a$$hole, just so that I can spend the rest of eternity with a bunch of people just like me."

BoudreauxThe Mad Machine (#32) The Mad Machine - August 28, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Ascendance Ascendance

BoudreauxThere Go the Dinosaurs! (#33) There Go the Dinosaurs! - September 10, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Coming from people who believe in a god that nearly ordered a man to kill his own baby son, there’s not a lot of ground for criticism, here."

BoudreauxThe Assignment (#34) The Assignment - September 17, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Come on in — she’s washing her hair. She’ll be upstairs well into tomorrow. If you stick around, you can help me drag her back to her bedroom after she passes out, and clean all the matted clumps of worn-off hair out from between her fingers."

BoudreauxThe Thief (#35) The Thief - September 24, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"As usual, Jack diverts from the actual plot of the Tract to provide us a conversation between three panes of glass in a window."

The ChaplainBoudreaux (#36) The Chaplain - October 8, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"'Is this Jesus guy some big deal up in heaven?' I just… I don’t think there’s anything I could possibly say to mock this line any more than it already mocks itself."

BoudreauxBoo! (#37) Boo! - October 17, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"You know, between the vibra-chainsaw and Ron Jeremy, this could just as easily be an artist’s rendering of a still from a really cheesy Halloween-themed porno. I dunno, 'Dick or Treat', or 'A Wet Dream on Elm Street' or something."

BoudreauxGun Slinger (#38) Gun Slinger - October 22, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Ascendance Ascendance
"Of course you feel strange, Terrible Tom, you’re melting! Your bloated, cancerous body is rotting from within and you’re going to boil down to nothing!"

BoudreauxWhat's Wrong With This? (#39) What's Wrong With This? - October 31, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Oh, just roll her hat down over her and shove her up an elephant’s vagina or something already."

BoudreauxWhere Did the Go? (#40) Where Did They Go? - November 7, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Okay, it’s cute from the side, but from the front, it looks like the dessicated corpse of Peter Lorre was rolled through some honey and dog hair or something."

BoudreauxThe Execution (#41) The Execution - November 21, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Jesus is back… and he’s pissed! I’m expecting, like, his wind-twisted robe is concealing a Desert Eagle in his left hand that he’s going to whip out to start popping big chunks out of his former oppressors."

Party GirlBoudreaux (#42) Party Girl - December 3, 2007
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Ascendance Ascendance
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxApes, Lies and Ms. Henn (#43) Apes, Lies and Ms. Henn - January 4, 2008
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxTitanic (#44) Titanic - February 21, 2008
Jabberwock Jabberwock, DaAICh DaAICh
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxDark Dungeons (#45) Dark Dungeons (Revisted) - April 2, 2008
Jabberwock Jabberwock, nepphie nepphie
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxMoving on Up! (#46) Moving On Up! - May 19, 2008
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxFirst Bite (#47) First Bite - October 28, 2008
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Storot Storot, nepphie nepphie
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxPoor Little Lamb (#48) Poor Little Lamb - April 4, 2009
Jabberwock Jabberwock, Adude Adude
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxThe Thing (#49) The Thing - May 13, 2009
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

BoudreauxSomebody Loves Me (#50) Somebody Loves Me - July 20, 2009
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

UnlovedBoudreaux (#51) Unloved - December 9, 2013
Jabberwock Jabberwock
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."


o Space Battles Forum collapse_button

During various points in its history, a trend would occasionally sweep a dark corner of the internet known as the SpaceBattles Forum. Users took to performing their own critiques of Chick's works and posted their thoughts for the community. The most prolific of these was a reviewer known only as Slick146, who preceeded to give his impressions on 69 of Chick's most infamous pieces (68 tracts and one comic). Due to limitiations imposed by the server, only ten images were permitted to be included in a single post and so each of the reviews was broken up into three or four seperate pieces. Additionally, a subsequent modification in the server structure of the Chick.com website cause a bulk of the direct image links that were used as references for these reviews were later broken, rendering the panels in the original thread inaccessable. However, with the permission of the author, we hope to convert and preserve these classics for posterity and so modern audiences may enjoy them just as they did during their initial publication.

It's Coming! (#1) It's Coming! - May 9, 2011
FreudianSlip FreudianSlip
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Dark Dungeons (#2) Dark Dungeons - May 10, 2011
FreudianSlip FreudianSlip
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Dark Dungeons (#3) Dark Dungeons - May 10, 2011
Harbinger Harbinger
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Fairy Tales? (#4) Fairy Tales? - May 12, 2011
FreudianSlip FreudianSlip
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Moving on Up! (#5) Moving on Up! - May 17, 2011
FreudianSlip FreudianSlip
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Big Daddy? (#6) Big Daddy? - May 19, 2011
Harbinger Harbinger
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Death Cookie (#7) The Death Cookie - May 19, 2011
EmperorSolo EmperorSolo
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Trick (#8) The Trick - Octber 17, 2011
Harbinger Harbinger
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Crazy Wolf (#9) Crazy Wolf - October 17, 2011
BG45 BG45
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Gay Blade (#10) The Gay Blade - May 12, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"And if you are going to tell us this story, you'd better end it with the drunken incest threesome in the cave!"

Fairy Tales?Boudreaux (#11) Fairy Tales? - May 13, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Somebody Loves Me (#12) Somebody Loves Me - May 13, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Dark Dungeons (#13) Dark Dungeons - May 14, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Mama's Girls (#14) Mama's Girls - May 15, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Happy Halloween (#15) Happy Halloween - May 18, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Last Generation (#16) The Last Generation (1992) - May 18, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Big Daddy? (#17) Big Daddy? - May 19, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

It's Not Your Fault (#18) It's Not Your Fault - May 20, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Allah Had No Son (#19) Allah Had No Son - May 23, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Traitor (#20) The Traitor - May 27, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Gun Slinger (#21) Gun Slinger - May 31, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Flight 144 (#22) Flight 144 - June 3, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Sin City (#23) Sin City - June 5, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Are Roman Catholics Christians? (#24) Are Roman Catholics Christians? - June 12, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Beast (#25) The Beast - June 15, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Bully (#26) The Bully - June 19, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Global Warming (#27) Global Warming - June 23, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

That's Baphomet? (#28) That's Baphomet? - June 25, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Visitors (#29) The Visitors - June 27, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Moving on Up! (#30) Moving On Up! - July 1, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Hi There! (#31) Hi There! - July 5, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Accident (#32) The Accident - July 8, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

First Bite (#33) First Bite - July 11, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Titanic (#34) Titanic - July 21, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

No Justice? (#35) No Justice? - July 28, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Bull (#36) The Bull - August 1, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Mary's Kids (#37) Mary's Kids - August 4, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Holocaust (#38) Holocaust - August 6, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Last Generation (#39) The Last Generation (1972) - August 18, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Uninvited (#40) Uninvited - August 20, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

No Fear? (#41) No Fear? - August 30, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Angels? (#42) Angels?- September 13, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Boo! (#43) Boo!- September 20, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Help (#44) Help - September 26, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Satan Comes to Salem (#45) Satan Comes to Salem - October 7, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Thing (#46) The Thing - October 19, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Who Murdered Clarice? (#47) Who Murdered Clarice? - November 3, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Tycoon (#48) The Tycoon - November 12, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Reverend Wonderful (#49) Reverend Wonderful - November 20, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Evil Eyes (#50) Evil Eyes - November 25, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Busted! (#51) Busted! - November 30, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

It's Coming! (#52) It's Coming! - December 5, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

There Go the Dinosaurs! (#53) There Go the Dinosaurs! - December 9, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Crazy Wolf (#54) Crazy Wolf - December 14, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Humbug! (#55) Humbug! - December 26, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Poor Revolutionist (#56) The Poor Revolutionist - December 30, 2017
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Birds and the Bees (#57) Birds and the Bees - January 3, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Deacth Cookie (#58) The Death Cookie - January 8, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Throw Away Kid (#59) The Throw Away Kid - January 12, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Attack (#60) The Attack - January 16, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Contract! (#61) The Contract! - January 20, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Operation Bucharest (#62) Comic - Operation Bucharest - January 25, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Assignment (#63) The Assignment - January 27, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Apes, Lies and Ms. Henn (#64) Apes, Lies and Ms. Henn - January 31, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Caught! (#65) Caught! - February 4, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Here, Kitty Kitty! (#66) Here, Kitty Kitty! - February 8, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Free at Last! (#67) Free at Last! - February 12, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Nervous Witch (#68) The Nervous Witch - February 19, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Charlie's Ants (#69) Charlie's Ants - February 23, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

The Chaplain (#70) The Chaplain - February 27, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Mean Momma (#71) Mean Momma - March 3, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Earthman (#72) Earthman - March 11, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Papa? (#73) Papa? - March 18, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Men of Peace? (#74) Men of Peace? - March 25, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Almost Time (#75) Almost Time - April 2, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Bad Bob! (#76) Bad Bob! - April 13, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Baby Talk (#77) Baby Talk - April 20, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

This Was Your Life! (#78) This Was Your Life - April 25, 2018
Slick146 Slick146
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Is Allah Like You? (#79) Is Allah Like You? - June 11, 2018
Bradley Q Bradley Q
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Bewitched? (#80) Bewitched? - June 14, 2018
Bradley Q Bradley Q
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

My Name? ... In the Vatican? (#81) My Name? ... In the Vatican? - August 6, 2018
areoborg areoborg
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."

Holy Night (#82) Holy Night - December 23, 2018
areoborg areoborg
"Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non."


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mattis mauris ut ullamcorper condimentum. Nullam finibus laoreet dui sed tristique. Aliquam consectetur lacinia tortor, vel molestie ex rutrum ut. Cras ac dui quam. Mauris ultrices luctus mauris ac ultrices. Pellentesque blandit augue enim, ac pretium nunc congue a. Suspendisse convallis condimentum semper. Donec commodo quis massa ut eleifend. Ut accumsan lorem tellus, ac finibus orci consequat non. Nulla sagittis felis eget mi faucibus molestie. Phasellus sit amet pellentesque lacus, sit amet placerat odio.



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