Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock. September 17th, 2007. The Assignment #022. Art by Jack Chick - © 2004 Chick Publications
Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock
September 17, 2007
The Assignment - Tract #022 (ASIN)
Art by Jack Chick - © 2004 Chick Publications
Will Charles respond to the gospel in time?
Introduction ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | Will Charles respond to the gospel in time?If the cover art is any indication, the titular “Assignment” is apparently to hypnotize men into going to the bathroom. I’m sort of thrown by the nebulousness of this Tract’s summary. “Respond” how, exactly? Sure, from context, we can assume that he’s supposed to respond by adopting it as a personal philosophy. Or, well, rather, more accurately put, he’s supposed to adopt the fundamentalist set of beliefs, which are mostly preexisting prejudices and cultural stigmas that are reinforced and excused by religious belief, and then claim he’s somehow abiding by the teachings of Jesus. But I like to think that Charles will surprise us and “respond” by, oh, I don’t know, deciding to dedicate the rest of his life to feeling as many things with his tongue as possible, or making a loud beeping sound, or spontaneous reflexive urination. |
Cover / Page 1 ⇑ ⇓
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Jabberwock | This type of Christianity amuses me: “Hey guys, I have a great idea: Let’s be entirely nonchalant about all the human suffering that results from death, and the painfulness, fear, and emotional trauma of dying itself, giving no amount of a fuck at all about quality of life so that we can focus exclusively on converting people.” Just ask that dried-apple-headed, non-consensually sadistic bitch Mother Teresa (Go on — dig her up. Nobody’s looking): God doesn’t care that you helped other people and made their lives better, he only gives a hard shit if you convert them to your belief system. So it’s totally fine to let them writhe and wallow in abject misery and dick-clampingly horrendous pain, so long as you’ve gotten them to say “I accept Jesus”. As long as you keep people suffering and use almost all of the money people donate to your charity to further your religious propaganda, you’ll have all the fodder you need for your twisted little Munchausen-by-Proxy masturbation fantasies. “Hey, guys, check out my gigantic Paul Newman playing card!” |
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Jabberwock | Meanwhile, at heaven’s Fog Machine Testing Grounds… So, angels with giant, wall-mounted TV screens figuring out which mortals they can “use” to do their bidding — that’s Jack Chick’s heaven. “Yes, two potentials — the first is Hank Hill who works at the propane store with Bishop. The second is Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan.” “I think we can!” |
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Jabberwock | Pfft, so is this what Jack Chick thinks the afterlife is? A bunch of angels and demons sitting around magic TV screens trying to figure out how to interfere with people’s lives, plotting ways they can turn the person’s intentions in one way or another? Sweet fuck, is this ever silly. I mean, you’ve got one guy who’s basically omnipotent, and another guy who’s maybe not so much, but still seems to have a shitload of power and immortality and knowledge and such, and this is what they care about? Whether Charlie Bishop is going to say the magic phrase before he drops dead? Come on. How can anyone believe in such a petty, goofy jackass of a God? It’s like — okay. It’s like if I had the fastest, most powerful internet in the world — internet that could see the future and give me live video of anything that’s ever happened throughout history — but I spent all my time, effort, concentration, and resources counting carpet fibers. Or, like, dropping toothpicks onto a cutting board and trying to get as many as possible to drop so that one end points at me. Or stacking granules of cat litter. Even profoundly autistic kids have more interesting priorities for what they obsessively focus on than God does. Word is out, people. Where do they get this precise info, anyway? A team of precogs? Or do God and Satan, with their omnipotent powers, directly alert the respective angels and demons of every event that’ll be taking place? And if that’s the case, why bother with the middle men? Apparently, they’re all bound by the same laws as time and space, so by the time you schedule all this shit up and relay the information to all the appropriate parties in their little smoke-filled offices and they all subsequently get to reading all of it, you’ve lost a substantial amount of time. Also, why “with” a coronary? It’s not the cause of death, it’s just accompanying him. |
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Jabberwock | What’s the “B” stand for? And why doesn’t Ethel have a middle initial? Wait a second, maybe the “B” stands for “Bob”! This is Bob Dobbs, without his trademark pipe! Yes, yes, it’s always the women who lure the men to destruction and set the whole world awry. We get it, we get it. |
Page 7 ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | “Send Shawn Eckhardt to smack her in the shin with a pipe. Wait, shit, no, never mind, that was Nancy Kerrigan.” These guys pull back their hoods to reveal that they’re the festering, maggoty corpses of the Three Stooges. “You’d better be right or else, ya knucklehead!” *bonk* *slap* *punch* *poke* *fist* It’s hard to believe anyone could possibly believe that this — this goofy-assed, kindergarten drama about demons getting their dicks all up in a knot over some girl who *gasp* has read the Bible, and therefore having to devise some harebrained scheme to prevent her from talking about it with a guy who’s going to die — is somehow in any way an accurate depiction of the mystical realm of existence outside human perception. |
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Jabberwock | Handsome? He looks like a cross between William Shatner, George Lopez, and a flank steak. Gyah, every man in this thing looks like his face belongs in the glass case at a butcher shop. Wow, she answers his questions before he even asks them! What, are we supposed to drop tea leaves on the panels to figure out what order they’re supposed to be read? Poke in the spinner from a Twister board and give it a few whirls? There are so many ways to read this, and none of them really make much sense. You can either start at the top and work down, kinda counter-clockwise. In which case, she’ll “let [Buz] know tomorrow” whether she’s Cathy Hillman. OR, when you get to “Cathy, would you object if I asked you to go to the beach with me this Saturday?”, you can jump back over to the left (which, I think, is what the space between Buz’s speech bubbles is supposed to denote), meaning she’s going to get back to him tomorrow about whether or not she objects to his asking her. Kind of like “can I ask you a question?” “I’ll get back to you tomorrow about that…” Or, you can ignore the space in the speech bubbles, in which case, she’s going to get back to him tomorrow about escorting her to her next class. Any way you slice it, though, you come up with unnatural dialog that sounds like a rough approximation of human verbal interactions, like Jack wrote this by throwing darts at some kind of encyclopedia of phrases people are the least likely to utter in conversation. “Now turn on the charm, Buz baby!” “Young lady, I’m going to escort you to your next class!” |
Page 13 ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | Hahahaha, wow. So, okay, angels trip people. Not only that, but it’s somehow okay for them to trip people into violent fuckwads with spasmodic trigger fingers who might actually do them some serious, rather painful harm, as long as it’s for the purpose of converting some random guy. “Sorry, Buz! I guess our respective pinstriped baseball uniform components — my shirt and your pants — were momentarily drawn toward each other by, I dunno, fashion gravity or something.” From the side, he looks a little like Rob Lowe. Rob Lowe mixed with a flank steak, of course. @!!!*! |
Page 14 ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | You know what this Tract needs? A montage. Angels all exercising, getting in shape, practicing skiing, reading the Bible, getting prepped for the Big Day… The demons, meanwhile, are just kinda sitting around, radiating hubris. “Man, I don’t need to practice shit. I’ve skied that slope a thousand times. Ain’t no way those angels are gonna beat us. They’ll never raise enough money to save their frat house.” |
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Jabberwock | Angels steal people’s spare tires, and set down spike strips. “Mr. Bishop is an unrelenting tyrant who would simply be incapable of tolerating everyday inconveniences and breakdowns!” Holy shit, where do they live? Run too far into the back yard, and you’ll be engulfed by the infinite vacuum of black despair. “Come on in — she’s washing her hair. She’ll be upstairs well into tomorrow. If you stick around, you can help me drag her back to her bedroom after she passes out, and clean all the matted clumps of worn-off hair out from between her fingers.” “Hey, Sandy. Oh, jeez, what happened to you?” Sandy looks nervously over at the angel. “I, uh… I fell down some stairs. *whimper*” |
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Jabberwock | “Don’t stop, Cathy! *fapfapfap* I’m almost there! *fapfap* Keep reading! *fapfapfapfapfap* Read harder, Cathy! Harder! *fapfapfapfapfapfapfap*” Is there any particular reason the demons talk like patronizing movie producers from the early 1950s? “Irving baby, I’d like you to meet Buz baby!” “@!!! that was dirty! Man, I never knew an old lady could get so raunchy talking about her arthritis like that!” Such a dirty story, in fact, that the insurance salesman had to kill himself in embarrassment. |
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Jabberwock | Why would his friends ever even need to know? I thought the premise was that Jesus was, quoting the previous page, here, one’s “own personal savior”. Does accepting Jesus mean walking around with a goddamn bullhorn shouting about it? Do you have to go door to door, alerting your neighbors, like you’re on some kind of sex criminal list? Announcing it obnoxiously to every person you encounter? “I’m sorry, Jim — your cancer is spreading. But I do have some good news: I just saved 15% on my soul by switching to Jesus!” What a fucking moron. If he really did believe but just didn’t want to because of his friends, why not accept Jesus as your heart is all sputtering out? It’s… *sigh* You know, fuck it. |
Conclusion ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | This is a really amusing Tract. The entire idea of “free will” just gets saturated with a torrential rain of piss by angels who trip people, give people flat tires, force teenagers to spend the whole day washing their hair, steer old ladies into long-winded pay phone conversations, etc, in order to compete with demons who force people to sell high-risk insurance policies, convince irritable wives to lash out violently at their husbands… all in the name of some laughably silly conversion game. Why should we believe that an entity that can do or be or create basically anything is going to spend so much time giving a shit about this? And come on — teams of angels and demons analyzing data about individuals on Earth so they can fuck with the lives of as many other people as is necessary to convert them one way or another? If God really cares so much, and this kind of interference isn’t an issue, then why doesn’t he just appear to every person, one time in their life, and tell them “hey, listen, I’m right here, believe in me, okay?” and be done with it? That’s a simple, clear, concise solution. Look, I’m not even omnipotent, and I came up with a more effective approach — what the hell is God’s problem? And what exactly are the consequences of this whole “soul war”, anyway? What does the winner get? I mean, if people roast in hell for an eternity regardless, then obviously Satan wins on some level. And if not for our benefit, then what is God competing for? What could an omnipotent being possibly have to gain? So, what, like, God wins the soul-counting contest, and, I dunno, gets some kind of trophy, while his victims — all the pawns he lost in his fucked up, vague little game of implicit Simon Says — spend an infinity being mercilessly tortured? Anyway, remember, folks: The next time you trip, it’s just some asshole angel proving a point. Stay tuned, and tell your friends. |
Further Reading ⇑ ⇓
- Vintage page at Enter the Jabberwock (Courtesy of Archive.org)
- Product page at Chick Publications
Other Reviews & Commentaries ⇑
- User Slick146 (Space Battles Forum) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lets-read-chick-tracts.525049/page-97#post-43659625