Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock. April 10th, 2002. Big Daddy? Tract #015. Art by Jack Chick - © 1970 Chick Publications
Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock
April 10, 2002
Big Daddy? - Tract #015 (BIGD)
Art by Jack Chick - © 1970 Chick Publications
A student proves evolution is full of holes.
Introduction ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | What’s so wrong about evolution? Well, you aren’t going to find any valid arguments against, it here that’s for sure. Chick is opposed to evolution, but he doesn’t seem to really put an effort into trying to disprove it. Watch the hilarity ensue as a cocky, arrogant creationist fundie student “stands up to” his grotesque caricature of a “professor” with unfounded arguments and inaccurate accounts of scientific concepts. Such is the magic of Jack Chick. |
Cover / Page 1 ⇑ ⇓
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Jabberwock | My sincerest condolences to Dr. Bolton Davidheiser, Ph. D, Johns Hopkins University, for whatever childhood accident rendered him retarded enough to be cited in a Chick tract. I’m thinking it was probably something along the lines of being born into a bathtub full of bleach. Actually, I’m sure he’s a brilliant man, it’s probably just the whole ‘taking out of context’ thing that Chick tends to do a lot. I totally dig the picture of the ape with the “Our Father” caption. The subtle hinting at the twisted concept that people are replacing ‘god’ with monkeys by believing in evolution is quite amusing. See, here’s my take on evolution: Opponents of evolution are basically saying that white people and black people are different species, not just different subsets of the same species. (I can’t remember if it’s kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus, species or whatever else, so let’s just say ’species’ right now. I’m sure you can figure out what I’m talking about.) If there’s no such thing as evolution, then the differences in white people, black people, asian people, etc. that make them all better suited to the climates and environments from which they all originate means that they’re all different species. I mean, they’re obviously not exactly the same, so if there’s no such thing as evolution and genetic deviation and adaptation, then they must all be different species. Personally, I believe in evolution. There’s the human race that includes all of the people in general, and then there are subsets of this human species, all of which have adapted… or ‘evolved’… to their respective environments and climates. The same applies to birds, dogs, turtles, etc. Different animals of the same classification that live in different types of environments adapt to the environments and conditions in order to survive. Birds in certain areas of the world have longer beaks than birds in other areas. This isn’t because they got down on their brittle, orange knees and prayed for longer beaks to catch bugs that reside deeper down inside of certain pieces of wood than the bugs in other areas and god said “yea, it shall be done… longer beak granted”, it’s because in order to obtain food to eat to survive, the bird just genetically adapted to do so. (An interesting related item: My mom was dating a psychiatrist and he had this friend who was conducting research in the area of genetic sciences. Said friend has apparently discovered that DNA doesn’t just modify from generation to generation, but within the generation itself. So theoretically, I don’t have the same DNA that I had when I was born.) Also, evolution doesn’t necessarily “go against god!”, as most of the religious fanatics think. Perhaps this is the way god wanted it to be. Maybe this is all part of some divine plan that we will be able to continuously adapt to our environments and not have to sit there and bitch and moan to god about how we need webbed feet or how we need longer arms because our backs itch. Maybe our DNA was ‘programmed’ by god to be self-adapting rather than him having to continuously fuck with it whenever some environmental factor changed. |
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Jabberwock | I remember several years ago I was on this kick for this comic called “Generation X”. It was a pretty cool comic, but I sort of lost interest after a while. Anyway, they had a set of four X-Men comics as a kind of ’setup’ to the whole ‘Generation X’ series and in it, there was this purplish chick who had this weird ‘blink’ ability and everything would kinda ’shift’ and parts of her would disappear. Apparently, this guy’s got the same superpower, it would seem. His arm is ‘blink’ing right out of existence. Again, the whole ‘fanaticism projection’ thing comes into play. If you can find a single professor in any college in the US who acts like this when someone says they don’t believe in evolution, I’ll buy you a Coke. I think that any professor who did act like this would probably be fired soon after. (Also, I’d really like to see a professor who hangs a picture of an ape with the caption “Our Father” on the wall behind him.) I just think the reaction is a little too extreme, here. |
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Jabberwock | Okay, I’m not getting this. “I could have you JAILED for saying that! (No, he can’t. It’s never been against the law to mention the bible.)” That’s just plain stupid right there. That’s just like me doing the following: Jack Chick has sex with his mother nightly.* I can understand where this professor is coming from in his asking the student not to use bible-based arguments to attempt to counter actually proven concepts and ideas, but he doesn’t have to be portrayed as being such a prick about it. I mean, does he really need to make the professor look like that much of an asshole to try and get people to associate “evolutionism” with “dickishness”? |
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Jabberwock | “For more details, read “The Collapse of Evolution” by Scott M. Huse.” Or, better yet, don’t. You know damn well it’s going to be incredibly biased. I mean, it’s sold by Chick Publications. That’s just like me saying “here’s my argument, and here… for proof… read this other thing that I wrote over here.” Same applies to the ‘Hovind’ thing down at the bottom. Idiot. *Sigh* |
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Jabberwock | Left Panel: Whoa, major topic jump there. How’d we get from vestigial organs to “what holds atoms together”? “I like baking cookies. My mom smells like flowers. I have a green pen. Resident Evil is being remade for the GameCube. I drank paint once. Bees are neat.” Hrmmm… as far as I know, nobody’s ever seen or measured god either. So is god a “made-up dream”? Once more, listed for the source, Jack has some biased, evangelical site that (and this is just a guess, here) will almost certainly back his side of the argument. What the hell does any of this have to do with evolution? After seeing how ignorant Chick is about evolution, I really don’t feel like arguing this point with my incredibly basic knowledge of simple physics. I refer you all to “A Short Physics Primer” and “The Glue that Holds the World Together”. Personally, I believe in gluons more than I believe “Jesus pinches protons and electrons together” or “because god”. Right Panel: *Sigh* His ignorance is totally sapping my will to go on with this. I think I’ll go cry in the shower and rinse some of the blood out of my ears and eyes before I continue. |
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Jabberwock | Left Panel: Let’s just say it’s “a delicate balance” and leave it at that since any kind of real technical explanation would make Chick shit his pants. Hrmmm… since opposite charges attract each other, what keeps the electrons from crashing down into the protons? “If gluons aren’t the answer… what is?” What proof do you have that gluons don’t exist? That’s what I want to know. I’ll bet you wouldn’t believe it even if they were proven, just so that you could hold on to your beliefs that “Jesus holds everything together”. Right Panel: “I don’t know.” Okay, what kind of university would hire a professor who had no grasp of simple physics? That’s what I want to know. He can’t even back up an argument with a fundie over concepts of basic physics. Chick’s version of a “professor” would never ever be hired by any respectable educational facility. This entire tract is so far-fetched it makes any attempt at an argument over an issue null and void. It’s just like someone ‘proving’ that “good will always prevail” using nothing but Star Trek references pertaining to the triumphs of Captain Picard. |
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Conclusion ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | Anyone have an aneurism yet trying to work through Chick’s twisted logic? See, he jumps around from topic to topic declaring victory in the argument but he doesn’t really resolve anything, he just makes some unsubstantiated fundie comment and moves on to something else. Such is the magic of Jack Chick. More to come, folks. This is the first in a series of many. |
Further Reading ⇑ ⇓
- Vintage page at Enter the Jabberwock (Courtesy of Archive.org)
- Product page at Chick Publications
Other Reviews & Commentaries ⇑ ⇓
- Anarchist Revolt - https://www.anarchistrevolt.com/critiques/chick/bigdaddy.html
- EvoWiki Argument Analysis (via The Wayback Machine) -https://web.archive.org/web/20131222144935/http://evolutionwiki.org/wiki/Big_Daddy%3F
- Letters to Creationists - https://letterstocreationists.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/big-daddy-chick-tract-the-most-widely-distributed-anti-evolution-publication/
- Iron Chariots Wiki Analysis (via The Wayback Machine) -https://web.archive.org/web/20170922170248/http://wiki.ironchariots.org/index.php?title=Big_Daddy?_(Chick_tract)
- Talk Origins Analysis - https://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/bigdaddy.html
- User Harbinger (Space Battles Forum) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/freudianslip-dissects-a-chick-tract.190056/page-8?post=6036836#post-6036836
- User Slick146 (Space Battles Forum) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lets-read-chick-tracts.525049/page-12#post-35151844
- The Bible Reloaded with Aron Ra (YouTube Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_CzP7ACXEk
Parodies ⇑
- Big Phony? - Arguing against Kent Hovind is almost the Skeptic's national sport. Check out Tommy Huxley's crack at this popular passtime.
"Worse, you once told a church audience that New Agers were going to kill 4 billion people by May 5, 2000. But that never happened!"
(Skeptic Friends Network) - Who's Your Daddy? - What if the athiest professor in this tract didn't actually tolerate the uppity Christian student's guff and rebutted him with actual facts? Find out!
"BWAH-HAHAHA! That is HYSTERICAL! You don't know the answer, so you say 'Goddidit! Goddidit!'"
(foo.ca via The Wayback Machine)