Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock. May 31st, 2005. Birds and the Bees Tract #178. Art by Fred Carter - © 2004 Chick Publications
Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock
May 31, 2005
Birds and the Bees - Tract #178 (BATB)
Art by Fred Carter - © 2004 Chick Publications
At a very young age, schoolchildren are being told that homosexuality is okay. Here is God's view, carefully written for young readers.
Introduction ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | Just… utterly revolting. No wonder Jack Chick hates gay people–he has absolutely no idea what they’re really like. And if he thinks tolerance is being pushed in schools, when kids like that little six- or seven-year-old in Louisiana are sent home from school for saying the word “lesbian” when describing why he has two moms, he’s even more… erm, well, we’ve already established how out of touch with reality he is, and how enormous an idiot, so… right. Bah. Fucking hate-mongering, appalling bullshit. What would Jesus do? Certainly not this. |
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Jabberwock | Gah, her face is melting. What is that? You know, I’ve never heard of a teacher just randomly springing a “surprise” gay couple on a class for no real reason. I did a pretty thorough Google search, even, and couldn’t turn anything up at all. I’m willing to bet, in fact, that if I had a LexisNexis account, I wouldn’t find anything there, either. Want to know why? Because it’s fucking stupid, and we don’t hire people with sub-50 IQs to teach in public classrooms. It’s almost like: “Okay, kids–we have a surprise today! Here’s a heterosexual couple. Yep. They have sex with each other on a regular basis. Figured I’d… uh… bring ‘em in here. Just wanted to show you. No real reason.” Nobody. Acts. Like. This. By the way, Genesis 2:24 says: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.Nothing about “no fags” there. And as far as Leviticus is concerned, let’s make sure to kill everyone who has ever gotten a divorce for reasons other than unfaithfulness, then, as well. Oh, and God hates shrimp, apparently, too. God forbid you eat shellfish, because, well, God forbade you eat shellfish. Let’s not forget that there are large portions of rules in many religions, Christianity especially, that existed at the time, thousands of years ago, for the sole purpose of maintaining hygeine and health. Guess what Leviticus also says? I can own SLAVES! Well, as long as they’re bought from a neighboring country. So watch out, Canada! Oh, and how could I forget the ever-important Lev. 19:27, thou shalt not shave. ALL OF THE CHARACTERS DEPICTED IN YOUR TRACTS ARE HAIR-TRIMMED ABOMINATIONS! Oh, and I could go on for hours about the semantics of Romans 1:26-27. But instead, I’ll just link to THIS. |
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Jabberwock | You know, Jack, there’s a perfectly good actual definition of the word “intolerant” available. We don’t need your annotated Pseudo-Definitions For Children. Here’s what Merriam-Webster says:
Main Entry: in·tol·er·antBeing intolerant of blacks, for instance, doesn’t mean you “don’t support” them. Yeah, brainwash some more innocent children into thinking being “intolerant” is somehow okay, and that the word itself is just a silly bit of tripe. Why do you hate America? 🎵 Darling, I don’t know why I go to extremes. / Too high or too low, there ain’t no in-betweens. Huh, how’d that get stuck in my head suddenly? Yes, gay people want to put everyone in prison. Oh, right–the disgusting appearances thing I mentioned earlier. Look at this guy. I’ve discussed this in earlier Dissections, but here’s one of Jack’s little illustration tricks: Because his arguments are so weak, he resorts to depicting characters on the other side of his arguments as hideous or even just subtly visually unappealing. I mean, yeah, there is his general lack of talent, but it doesn’t fully account for the phenomenon illustrated by his, well, illustrations. Go through any of his tracts, and you’ll see this classic cartoon-stlye “villains = ugly” pattern. For some reason, I want to play Dr. Mario. I’m really not sure why. |
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Jabberwock | “All three kids got saved”? What kind of cop-out shit is that? What, you had to include the redundant filler panels with the kids asking the girl if she reads the Bible, but you couldn’t include them all falling onto the sidewalk and bawling? You could’ve had them on a hopscotch grid, maybe a basketball off to the side next to a discarded jump rope. And if it’s that bloody easy, then what’s the point? What is it with all this ridiculous symbolism? “God is all-powerful, yet he has to do everything the absolute hardest and most contrived way imaginable.” Yes, the gay lifestyle depicted in the Bible is exactly like that of the gays living today. I’ll admit, there’s a part of the gay community involved in drugs and wild partying, but the same can be said for just about any community. That doesn’t mean those communities as wholes are “evil”. Yeah, there are a TON of college kids who fuck each other seemingly at random, get stoned and drunk out of their minds, and live in a kind of sad pseudo-hedonism, but that doesn’t mean that every college student is disgusting and wicked. And many translations of the Bible say “homosexual offenders” when depicting the citizens of Sodom. Like, you know, sex offenders. There’s a difference between a homosexual, and a homosexual sex offender. It’s the same as the difference between a heterosexual and a heterosexual sex offender. If you honestly believe, Jack, that gay people who have wild, abusive, hedonistic sex with each other (like those apparently depicted in Sodom) are the equivalent of what the Bible refers to when it says the bit about “lying with a woman” or “having the love for a man that one should have for a woman”, then I have serious worries about your perspective on relationships with women. |
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Jabberwock | Hey, um, Jack? Jack? You, uh, missed a part. You know, the part where Lot offers his daughters up to be brutally raped by the townspeople?
5And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know themI’m not sure if this is all something out of which you’d want to make a lesson in morality. That is, of course, unless your morals say it’s okay to send your daughters out to be raped. But, yeah, there’s no such thing as moral or ethical ambiguity, right? |
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Jabberwock | Hah, “back“? You’ve obviously never heard of THE LAST SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS. Rome? Riddled with fags. Greece? You couldn’t toss a nickel without it dropping onto some boy-on-boy action. Homosexuality isn’t just some current trend, you moron. It’s just been kind of culturally closeted for a couple centuries. People have still been gay, they’ve just been terrified to come out about it. It is BIOLOGICAL, and doesn’t just DISAPPEAR with prayer. If you think it’s gone, it’s really only just repressed. And what’s better than repressed fags entering into essentially loveless marriages with obnoxious, pissy women who are so religiously sexually repressed themselves that they won’t even let you make love to them unless you’re both in a dark room wearing blindfolds under four layers of bedding with a slab of particle board between you with a hole cut through it? YEAH, THAT’S PROGRESS. Hey, Jude 7. Don’t make it bad. Take a sad Psalm, and make it better. You know, why should I take you seriously at all? Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say about sex? I mean, for fuck’s sake, you people think clitoral orgasms are an abomination. |
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Jabberwock | Oh, yes, all those laws that say Satan must destroy children. You know the ones. Another dare for you, Jack–this time I double dare you: Find me ONE law that indicates in ANY WAY that teachers have to bring gay couples into classrooms. (Tip: You might want to opt for the Physical Challenge on this one.) Who can MAKE someone be gay? How does that work? I’ve had gay people hit on me before. I’ve even had one guy offer to fly me out to his place if I felt like “experimenting”. I turned them down, of course. Not because I believe in Jesus, but because I’M NOT GAY. I think Jack is confusing gay people with rapists. See, Jack, here’s the difference: You: I’m not gay.I know it’s subtle, but there is a difference. By the way, Jack, it seems like you don’t pay too close attention to Revelations: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.So your little notations and taking things out of context and such? Not a good idea. |
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Further Reading ⇑ ⇓
- Vintage page at Enter the Jabberwock (Courtesy of Archive.org)
- Product page at Chick Publications
Other Reviews & Commentaries ⇑
- Jack Chick's Funnybook Gospel - https://jackchick.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/chick-tract-review-birds-and-the-bees/#more-388
- User Slick146 (Space Battles Forum) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lets-read-chick-tracts.525049/page-85#post-42892415
- Bible Reloaded (YouTube video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JZdwQ6wwpo