Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock. May 10th, 2002. It's Coming! Tract #148. Art by Jack Chick - © 1970 Chick Publications
Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock
May 8, 2002
It's Coming! - Tract #148 (ITCO)
Art by Jack Chick - © 2000 Chick Publications
Noah's flood ... it's true! Here is how it happened.
Introduction ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | (In more ways than one, baby, yeah.) Ever hear the story of Noah’s Ark? Want to hear a middle-aged asshole spout a rendition involving man and dinosaur co-existing and a huge magical sphere of water that lets people live to be 900-years-old in an attempt to try to turn you from your sinner ways? Actually, you know what? Screw the rest of the introduction; “man and dinosaur co-existing” is introduction enough. |
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Jabberwock | “Is that Bob?” What, she didn’t remember? She’s still mad at him about something he said to her, but she doesn’t even know who he is? Hrm. Interesting. Well, relatively, of course. “I’m glad you made it! So I can tell you all about Noah’s ark! Come on in, we’ll get started!” Uh… wait a second, here. Okay, the earth is only 6,000 years old. Hrm. I’d like to refer you all to Big Daddy, one of Chick’s other ‘tracts’. One of his arguments was, and this is a quote, “Richard Leakey found a normal human skull under a layer of rock dated at 212 million years.” Okay. I’m a bit confused… see, I’m no mathematician. How many times does 212 million go into 6,000? It’s… it’s a lot, right? This right here contradicts his other argument and makes it completely invalid. Or, his other argument in the other tract contradicts this argument and makes it completely invalid. Sorry, Jack, you can’t have both. Again, the source is something provided by Chick Publications. Bravo, Jack, you sell a book that backs up your views. I’m going to start selling copies of “The Neverending Story” so I can prove that big fluffy dog-like dragons exist. |
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Jabberwock | So was there a huge sphere of millions of tons of dirt floating in the air as a protective shield as well? I mean, basically what he’s saying is that, at any given point during the flood, there were millions of tons of dirt and rock just floating in the water that all eventually settled on top of everything when the… wait. That’s another thing… where the fuck did all the water go, then? If there was enough water to bury the entire planet during this supposed “flood”, where did it all end up going? The magical floating water sphere isn’t there anymore, and the entire earth isn’t still buried in water, so what happened to all of it? Do you know how many gallons of water it would take to flood every inch of land on the planet? We’re talking oceans, here, people. It didn’t just all evaporate or sink into the ground, ’cause if it did, we’d have huge floating masses of water in the sky instead of clouds, and ocean levels would be a significant amount higher. To give a rough estimation of how much water would be needed to flood the earth, here’s an excerpt from the NSF website regarding how many gallons of water are in the Pacific Ocean alone: According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Pacific Ocean proper contains 169,900,000 cubic miles of water or 173,700,000 cubic miles, if one includes the marginal seas, such as the Tasman and South China Seas. With some simple calculations this can be converted to cubic inches. Since there are 231 cubic inches to the gallon, the approximate number of gallons is 187 or 192 quintillions, depending on which initial value is used. That is approximately 190,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1.9×1020 gallons. (Dr. Sandy Norman, Department of Mathematics, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas) So there are how many, like, what, QUINTILLION gallons of water, here, completely unaccounted for. Did it all just magically disappear? Did it float off into space? What the fuck happened to all of it? Anyway, Jack is trying to get us to believe, here, that there were millions of tons of dirt and gravel floating around quite a distance above the ground that just sorta landed on top of everything, burying it in “layers of sediment”, which means that it didn’t all fall at once, enough fell to create one layer of sediment, and then after that one settled, some more fell and formed another layer while the rest just floated around waiting for it to settle, and etc. I guess for a brief moment in time, dirt and rock somehow became lighter than water. *Sigh* This guy obviously has no concept of any kind of geological science. Layers and layers of sediment aren’t going to form within a period of forty days and forty nights. And how come, if man and dinosaur co-existed like Jack “I’ve got diarrhea in my brain liquid” Chick is stating, there has never been any evidence of dinosaurs and humans being found at the same depth in these apparently instantly-formed layers of sediment? Huh-huh…huh-huh… Dude, check it out… that archaeologist has a bone… huh-huh… “See Creation Seminar series by Dr. Kent Hovind…” I can only imagine. “Layers of sediment don’t take that long to form. It can take as little as less than forty days to form many layers of millions of tons of dirt and rock that have the ability to somehow magically separate and organize different kinds of animals and other buried matter. And did you know that water can just disappear without a trace, and that it can defy basically every law of physics?” Looks like our old buddy Jack should go back to elementary school science for a couple of years until he understands BASIC SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. |
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Jabberwock | So if it was only Noah and his family who were saved, where’d all the different ethnicities of man come from? I mean, according to Jack and all these shitheaded fundamentalist weirdos, evolution doesn’t exist AT ALL, so Noah’s family must’ve had quite a bit of ethnic diversity in order to repopulate the world with every different race of man there is on earth. Not everything is combustable, Jack. And good luck re-layering and re-depositing “millions of tons” of non-flammable rock and dirt with the rapid oxidation of whatever flammable material there is laying around. And is the next “Noah” going to construct a completely fireproof shelter to be saved? “Zieg Hail! Zieg Hail! Mein Führer, please tell us more about the flood!” How come this guy looks so much like Hitler? I thought Jack was trying to make the characters on his side of the argument more appealing than the ones against him. I guess the design for this guy just sorta slipped by under his radar or something. Maybe Janet is “still mad at [him] at what [he] said” about how fun it is to mass-murder jewish people. “2,000 years ago, God (the Son)…” I’ve never quite understood this “god is three entities, but the same entity” thing. I advise against contemplating the stupidity behind the concept for too long because you’ll end up giving yourself some kind of palsy. If I was “god” and divided myself off into another completely separate part that was totally unaware of my intentions (”My father, why hast thou forsaken me?”), both parts can’t be the same entity. It’s like multiple-personality disorder. Even if there are dozens and dozens of personalities living inside of the same body and mind, they’re all individual entities. Even if it is “god”, and even if “he” is supposedly omnipotent, and even if there actually was a “Jesus” who was actually the “son of god” and all that, there’s no changing the fact that two separate entities that act totally and completely independently from each other CANNOT BE A SINGLE ENTITY. |
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Conclusion ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | I still haven’t gotten any e-mail from ol’ Jack or any of his followers about any of this. I’m really rather disappointed. I wonder if he even knows about any of this. I’d really like to see any of the arguments he’d attempt to present in his defense. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, he’s a complete moron with no understanding of basically anything, and his pathetic excuses for “arguments” to try to convince people that he’s right and that the bible should be taken literally can be easily countered by a 19-year-old college drop-out videogame designer. I sure do hope he’s not devoting too much of his time to making these pieces of solidified piss. I’ll keep you posted regarding any mail I receive from our buddy Jack, and I’ll post any bullshit legal threats or death threats or hate mail or whatever on the “Dissections” front page for you all to get a good laugh out of. Until next time, kiddies. |
Further Reading ⇑ ⇓
- Vintage page at Enter the Jabberwock (Courtesy of Archive.org)
- Product page at Chick Publications
Other Reviews & Commentaries ⇑
- User FreudianSlip (Space Battles Forum) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/freudianslip-dissects-a-chick-tract.190056/#post-5993138
- User Slick146 (Space Battles Forum) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lets-read-chick-tracts.525049/page-74#post-41982718