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Parody Tracts

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Parody Tracts


The only thing more fun than reading Chick tracts is making fun of Chick tracts. After all... we should know. However, sometimes it isn't enough to just comment on all of the wacky and offensive things found in the original comics. The truly dedicated chop them up, rearrange them, and give them new dialog to completely change their meaning. Some even go so far as to draw their own from scratch, only borrowing the basic idea and layout of Chick's famous works. You can find a collection of such irreverent parodies here. If you happen to know of an example that isn't in our list, be sure to email us so that we can properly catalog and preserve them for future generations.

3rd Edition: Tool of Satan 3rd Edition: Tool of Satan (#061 - Dark Dungeons)
That's alright... we're just unwinding with a little live-action Call of Cthulhu... want to touch my octopus?

BoudreauxA Patriarchy's Nightmare A Patriarchy's Nightmare NSFW (#002 - A Demon's Nightmare) PDF Document
Keith Mayerson
"Not straight, 'gaily forward'"

BoudreauxAbort! Abort! Abort! Abort! (Original)
Tabitha Slander
"So why is it legal to refuse to donate organs? Because it's my body and my choice!"

BoudreauxAdam & Evil?! Adam & Evil?! (Original) PDF Document
"Therapists find MDMA to be of immeasurable value for trauma and grief counseling, for improving relationships, and for those facing terminal illness."

BoudreauxThe Album The Album (Multiple)
"The music business is reshaped! Good music is on the radio again! Beer is free! Aids cured!!"

All Consuming GuiltBoudreaux All Consuming Guilt (Original) PDF Document
Jim Shaw
"Why do you think you were put here on Earth, to eat junk food till you die of a heart attack? Then your soul & fat will burn on the braziers of Hell of all eternity!"

The Amazing SecretBoudreaux The Amazing Secret (Original) PDF Document
Necoratus Productions
"You see Drew, you can really make up anything you want to and, as long as you believe it, you are going to have an excuse to keep living the way you do. When you have that excuse you feel different, you feel liberated."

Antlers of the DamnedBoudreaux Antlers of the Damned (Original)
Adam Thrasher (Space Moose)
"Rub the Bible vigorously between your legs every day to get to know Christ better."

BoudreauxAre You Scared of Hell? Are You Scared of Hell? (Original)
Kona Morris (Godless Comics)
"After realizing this, I no longer believed in any of it. I found the courage to accept not knowing, and I stopped living my life - the only one I'm certain I'll have - in fear."

BoudreauxThe Artist Statement The Artist Statement (Original) PDF Document
Héctor Casanova
"We are moving to a new paradigm in which art is collaborative and empowering, reclaiming people's roles as culture makers, rather than simply consumers."

BoudreauxBe A Creation Science Expert Be a Creation Science Expert (Original)
Britarse (Cockeyed Comix)
"Be sure to avoid all debate as to what 'theory' means in science and what else is 'just' a theory."

BoudreauxBe Merry Be Merry (Original)
Britarse (Cockeyed Comix)
"Demons! Oh yes!! I see them!!! With hooves! And horns!! And enormous private parts!!!"

Kent Hovind is a Big Phony!Boudreaux Big Phony? aka Kent Hovind is a Big Phony! (#015 - Big Daddy) PDF Document
Tommy Huxley (Skeptic Friends Network)
"Did you know that you can't measure distances to stars beyond 20 light years? I taught trigonometry for years! It can't be done!"

BoudreauxBoogie Time? Boogie Time? (#052 - Back From the Dead?)
Junior (Chick Dissections Blogspot)
"Wheel him into this Days Inn, maybe we can blame it on them?"

Broke At BirthBoudreaux Broke at Birth (Original)
Trump Tracts
"Contrary to what you might think, some babies are born without their own wallets."

BoudreauxChemical Salvation Chemical Salvation (Original)
"America declared “war” on her own citizens, the rest of the world followed suit…"

Chick With Dicks CollectionBoudreaux Chicks With Dicks Collection NSFW (Various) PDF Document
Johnny Ryan
"Sorry, lady. We're all out of McNuggets."

BoudreauxChristians and Crusaders Christians and Crusaders (#061 - Dark Dungeons)
The Bronze Blog (fka Rockstar's Ramblings)
"Last night, I used my first argumentum ad baculum! This guy backed off when I made an implicit threat!"

Church of the Sub-DoofusBoudreaux Church of the Sub-Doofus (Original)
Trump Tracts
"Christianity? Judaism? ...China? All three of these are loser religions, and everyone knows it."

BoudreauxConstitutional Rites Constitutional Rites (Original)
Tabitha Slander
"We're paying to have speed bumps installed around this one."

BoudreauxCreation? Creation? (Original)
Kona Morris (Godless Comics)
"How were the people who made up the Bible stories any smarter than the people who made up the other ones?"

BoudreauxDarkest Dice Darkest Dice (#061 - Dark Dungeons) PDF Document
Get Haunted Industries
"Playing to win is impossible, as the only winner is CERTAIN DEATH, just like in real life!"

BoudreauxDarkest Dungeons Darkest Dungeons (#061 - Dark Dungeons)
Dylan Horrocks
"Join us, Debbie, and become a witch... IRL!"

BoudreauxDarkest Dungeons 2 Darkest Dungeons 2 (#061 - Dark Dungeons)
Dylan Horrocks
"Soon I'll be able to cast Raise Dead on Black Leaf and you'll be back in the game."

BoudreauxDarkseid Darkseid (#176 - Li'l Susy)
"And when at last he turns to look upon the eternal desolation he has wrought, he will see himself as in a miror and know what fear is."

BoudreauxDarque Dungeon Darque Dungeon (#061 - Dark Dungeons)
Epsilon Minus (Bogart Shwadchuck)
"No one deserves to die because they don't appreciate the artistic value of Merzbow records, right?"

BoudreauxDarwinism: The Devil's Religion Darwinism - The Devil's Religion (Original) PDF Document
The Indigestible
"But a monkey can't redeem the sins of the world! Only GOD can by miraculously impregnating a woman"

BoudreauxDead to Rights Dead to Rights (Multiple)
James Huber
"I am sending you back to try again... as a poor Hispanic Catholic lesbian."

BoudreauxDemonic Deviltry Demonic Deviltry (#061 - Dark Dungeons) PDF Document
"Father Ramos" (White Wolf Game Studio Publishing)
"Do you do that after every game? -- Not all the time. Sometimes we have sex instead of doing drugs."

BoudreauxDevil Doll? Devil Doll? (Original) PDF Document
Daniel Clowes (Fantagraphics Publishing)
"It says in this tract Hash Hobbit that Christians are obligated to spread the good news about Jesus to the unsaved!"

BoudreauxDork Dungeons Dork Dungeons (#061 - Dark Dungeons)
Chyx Publications
"In order to play a vampire, you need to use a cheesy Romanian accent, recite lame death poetry, and listen to Bauhaus."

BoudreauxFlatter Jesus or He'll Torture You in Hell! Flatter Jesus or He'll Torture You in Hell! (Original)
Betty Bowers
"Jesus doesn't care how big a hot mess you are, just as long as you keep telling Him how fabulous He is!"

BoudreauxThe Forksaken The Forksaken (#045 - The Sissy?) PDF Document
"Duke, Forsaken Eating is an ancient discipline that unleashes the hidden natural dining instincts within us all. The most advanced adepts don't even use their hands, just their mouths!"

BoudreauxGlobal Warning Global Warning (#230 - Global Warming)
"I'm private citizen Al Gore, and I got your global warning right here!"

The G.O.P. World is Ending!Boudreaux The G.O.P. World is Ending! (Original)
Trump Tracts
"...leading voices in public hysteria and crowd manipulation are now urging those in the GOP to find a new category of fear to be frightened by."

BoudreauxGalactus is Coming Galactus is Coming (Original)
Pinder the Panda Bear & Jesse Farrell (S.T.M.L.)
"Son, the law of averages and and the sheer number of giant space men who want to kill you means probably one will get through at some point."

BoudreauxGod Hates the Scene God Hates the Scene (#177 - Apes, Lies and Ms. Henn)
Epsilon Minus (Bogart Shwadchuck)
"Damn right! 'Pac didn't get shot so some crazy Europeans could distort a bunch of drum machines. R.I.P. 'Pac."

BoudreauxGod Meat God Meat (Original)
Psycho Dave
"I'm just cranky cause' this damn chair is uncomfortable, and it made my butt fall asleep."

BoudreauxGlobal Warning The Good Morty (Original) PDF Document
Erica Hayes
"The mortician did an amazing job. I've never seen an acid eaten corpse restored so perfectly."

BoudreauxThe Good, the Bad, and the Fundy The Good, The Bad, and the Fundy (#131 - Gun Slinger)
Psycho Dave
"Ever since the mission of SAINT MARY was built, the Catholics have been spreading their heresy throughout our town. Here's a map of the area, and extra bullets from a SPECIAL collection we took!"

BoudreauxThe Greatest Scam Ever Prebunked The Greatest Scam Ever Prebunked (#084 - The Greatest Story Ever Told)
"Fear not! I am merely... uh... an angel... here to question you about your reproductive status."

BoudreauxGURPS Fourth Edition Dark Dungeons GURPS Fourth Edition Dark Dungeons (#061 - Dark Dungeons)
William Blake Smith (GameGroup.org)
"Afraid I'll steal all the hot guys? I am totally ready. I even started my period."

BoudreauxHead Shop or Dead Shop? Head Shop or Dead Shop? (Original) PDF Document
P. J. O'Rourke (PJO)
"It's a good thing I didn't look at it or I would have seen that detailed picture of a large-chested young woman in close proximity to an excitied young man when neither one of them had their clothes on."

BoudreauxHellenic Chick Hellenic Chick (Multiple)
Thrice Great Moly
"Even now, over your unburied corpse, more lies are being told."

BoudreauxThe Holy and the Homo The Holy and the Homo (#045 - The Sissy)
Psycho Dave
"Well, me and Duke have to get going now. We have a big delivery of amonium-nitrate to deliver to some McVeigh guy in Kingman, AZ..."

BoudreauxHow Many Fingers Am I Holding Up? How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up? (Original)
Andy Slater
"We can be social and independent, capable of doing normal things… Like crossing the street, or accidentally tripping a lady."

BoudreauxI Remember Halloween I Remember Halloween (Original)
Tabitha Slander
"What cute costumes. What are you supposed to be?


BoudreauxIvy League Exorcist Ivy League Exorcist (Original)
CultJam Productions
"For #$%&'s sake, we have to keep this demon hunter of the White House!

He's a buzzkill and a total douchebag!"

BoudreauxJack Chick: This Was Your Life Jack Chick: This Was Your Life (Original)
The Nib
"Shame you won't be drawing them anymore. I just wanted to see your face when you find out you're going to Hell."































