Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock. July 30th, 2007. Charlie's Ants #132A. Art by Jack Chick - © 1997 Chick Publications
Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock
July 30, 2007
Charlie's Ants - Tract #132A (CHAR)
Art by Jack Chick - © 1997 Chick Publications
Through Charlie's ants, young readers learn that God became man to die for us. Great salvation message!
Introduction ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | Through Charlie’s ants, young readers learn that God became man to die for us. Great salvation message!A story about a little boy and the three sexy ants he sends out on missions of espionage and intrigue. Actually, this is yet another cartoony, oversimplified (even more so than the adult-oriented ones) one aimed at kids. Get ‘em while they’re young! Nip their independent and rational thought in the bud, before it gets a chance to blossom! It’s also yet another failed attempt at a metaphor for God, and is just plain fucking silly in general. |
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Jabberwock | What the… fuck? Just… all of it, the kid standing on his head (or maybe standing right-side up but with an inverted internal physiology, as possibly implied by the position of the speech bubble), the suddenly enormous ants burying the kids up to their knees, the blubbering, head-shaking, chipmunky, gaping, horrified expression, ears like the bells of goddamned trumpets… damn. How delightfully surreal. What does he mean by “this land”, anyway? All of America? Why not “this place” or “this area”? Actually, in this panel, he looks a little like I’d imagine Uncle Whatsisfuck from The Missing Day would’ve looked as a child. |
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Jabberwock | “Can I use your ants to show you something really important?” “I guess so.” “Okay, see this ant? See his little legs? He’s got six of ‘em. See his little antennae feeling around, trying to figure out what’s going on? And how he’s got this little bit of food or something between his front pincers? And his little exoskeleton? Okay, now, see how I’m using this ant to gesture toward that ambulance over in front of your house? Well, your mom’s dead.” Looks like she’s got a bad case of navel-mouth. Seems like a pretty common childhood disease in the Chick universe. Erm, I hate to be a pedant, but all you really need to communicate with ants are some ant pheromones. “You know, you could also, uh… collect the ants in, like, a jar or something and move them to, say, your back yard or an ant farm or something. But that’s totally beyond your power, seeing as you lack opposable thumbs and the ability to move your body or obtain a jar. Just like with God — he had to go through a painstaking, elaborate, and extremely contrived process to try to help humanity. He couldn’t just, y’know, outright forgive people or let them into heaven. It was totally beyond his power.” |
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Jabberwock | Give up everything? Since when is an omnipotent being creating a physical avatar considered “giving up everything”? If truly omnipotent, God could’ve created an infinite number of Jesuses, and he could’ve made them rain down from the sky ceaselessly for generations, splatting one on top of the other until people finally gave in and agreed to do anything he demanded. She’s kind of overstating the “sacrifice”, here. “But I do love them! I mean, I fuck them… that’s kinda love, I guess…” “YUK! You gave me navel-mouth! Don’t you know it’s contagious?” |
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Jabberwock | That’s spectacularly assumptive. You tell someone they’re in danger and it makes them kill you? What kind of fucked up… Why couldn’t the ants just not give a shit? “Eh, some guy keeps talking about some big disaster. What do you guys think? I just wanna dig some more holes.” “Yeah, whatever. We die, we die.” Also, how do you say “Shut up, Charlie!” in pheromones? FANG! Hooray, looks like he’s featured pretty heavily in this one. I think Skinhead Dennis the Menace back there is trying to tell us he’s going to try shoving Antigrav Cat’s tail into his left eye. |
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Jabberwock | …and the pitch! So why didn’t God send down an Ant Jesus, then, if he fuckin’ loves ants so goddamn much? “God loves it because he created it” isn’t anywhere near sound reasoning. There’s no cause/effect to be found at all in that assumption. What is WITH that kid? Is he not subject to gravitational forces or something? So we’ve got Antigrav Cat and Antigrav Kid. Not only does he have a saw for a tail, apparently Fang’s nose is a bug zapper! What can’t that dog do? |
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Jabberwock | No, it all started when God created two incredibly stupid but curious people, gave vague and arbitrary instructions about a tree, and then was shocked — SHOCKED! — when they disobeyed him, bettering themselves in the process. Really informative Bible quote, by the way. “For all have sinned…” …and? Fang apparently burned out his bug-zapper nose in the stream. Is that a bird riding a meteor, over on the left? Why can’t God let sin into heaven? Who or what is stopping him? Shouldn’t THAT force be the real God, if it’s more powerful than God? I… I don’t quite understand. |
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Jabberwock | Bahahahaha. What? How the fuck did he arrive at that conclusion? “Gee, how could an omnipotent being save lowly humans from being rejected from heaven? Let’s see… he’d have to… become a MAN! That’s it!” Like, “so how could the rescue workers in New Orleans save the people effected by Hurricane Katrina? I know! They’d have to become bloated, floating corpses!” Or, “so how could the man save the dog from its abusive owner? He’d have to become a dog!” Just… so stupid. Now the Littlest Skinhead’s goose-stepping. Someone get that fucker some Ritalin or something. |
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Jabberwock | Blah blah blah. I hope he doesn’t re-draw this one each time. He should really just get a rubber stamp made of it. |
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Jabberwock | “You must believe that Jesus died on the cross for you. But you must also… pull my finger.” Girl should become a dominatrix. She wouldn’t even need to buy a whip, she could just let that wild, goofy pony tail whip around on her head like she always does. “HOMPH HOMPH MMM, YOU GUYS HURMPH HOMPH I NEVER THOUGHT THESE ANTS WOULD BE SO TASTY HURMPF HOMPF GLOMPH” |
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Jabberwock | “I feel GREAT! Addiction to the neurochemicals that result from induced, powerful emotions is a BLAST!” That is totally that Peter Paul kid from Palindromes. “We just LOVE our new lion haircuts! Thanks, Jesus!” “No, Charlie, this is how you squeeze a nipple. Thumb and index finger, see? And cupping, like this.” |
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Further Reading ⇑ ⇓
- Vintage page at Enter the Jabberwock (Courtesy of Archive.org)
- Product page at Chick Publications
Other Reviews & Commentaries ⇑
- User Slick146 (Space Battles Forum) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lets-read-chick-tracts.525049/page-106#post-44508118