Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock. November 27th, 2006. In The Beginning #147. Art by Jack Chick - © 2000 Chick Publications
Originally published at Enter the Jabberwock
November 27, 2006
In The Beginning - Tract #147 (INTH)
Art by Jack Chick - © 2000 Chick Publications
Here's how God created the world, including dinosaurs.
Introduction ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | So, here’s something amusing: The actual paper Chick Tracts I managed to get a hold of are all from a place called “Jesus Saves From Hell Fire Ministries”. It’s one of those fantastically ambiguous sentences. Does Jesus Save from “Hell Fire Ministries”? Or is it “Jesus Saves from Hell Fire” Ministries? Who knows? Either Jack Chick is completely insane or some kind of post-modernist irony master. I’m leaning toward the former. |
Cover / Page 1 ⇑ ⇓
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Jabberwock | Hey, we’re getting some background development on a recurring character. That’s good writing, right? …Right? “Computer man.” I’m not sure if the guy with the dinosaur is calling him this because he’s fixing the guy’s computer, or if it’s just his (lame) nickname for his friend, or the guy’s a robot, or what. In whatever case, regardless of the relationship, it seems rather awkward and bizarre for him to just walk into a room and start talking to a guy about dinosaurs, acting like the guy had never even heard of the things before. “Hey, a television! Why don’t I carry this into the next room and start talking about it? Oh, salt shaker! I’ll bet he’s never seen one of THESE before. A fork! Bob’s sure to find that interesting! Wait, is that sliced bread on the table? Why, I’ll bet he’s never even heard of this! I’d better inform him about ovens, as well. And the wheel.” “Your teacher’s been brainwashed. By facts and observable evidence. That God, for whatever reason, lets him see instead of the apparent ‘truth’, which is something that can only be speculated about through blind faith, and that we can only really find out about when we die. Because nothing that we can observe in the world around us is trustworthy, and is potentially all just an illusion. Except the Bible. That’s real. Because it says it is. There’s no way it could possibly be a trick of Satan or anything. Because it says it’s not. Really. But everything else in the whole world is potentially an illusion.” Scott Huse, huh? Yeah, I’ll bet he’s respected for his objectivity amongst the scientific community. Hey, a bunch of easily-led people agree that what he says sounds like it could make sense, so that makes him right, right? ‘Cause that’s what science is, right? Just a bunch of people making up stories and agreeing with each other without testing any evidence or doing comparative research? |
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Jabberwock | What in fuck would be the purpose of this? And why haven’t we seen anything like this on any other known planet? How does one explain the complete defiance of what we know to be the laws of physics? (Oh, right, “Because God”. I forgot.) Why does nothing even remotely like this ever happen nowadays? God just got lazy, apparently, or stopped giving a shit. If he really wanted to come out the winner in that whole arbitrary “collect the souls” contest with Satan, he’d keep wowing people with stuff like this. Why would the seas need to be divided? This seems to imply that land formations were either at exact level with or at lower elevation than the water. In which case, not only should we have all been submerged simply from the water on the Earth during the supposed “Great Flood”, but the amount of water should’ve totally submerged the entire planet forever. Where’d all that water go? Not only that, but a thick dome of water in the sky completely enveloping the planet is going to be a LOT of water. How much could possibly be left on the Earth’s surface that it would need to be “divided” (given that there’s no more or less water on Earth now than when it allegedly happened) in order for there to be land exposed? Of course, I’m working off of the assumptions of Chick and his ilk, that it existed and was this thick dome of water surrounding everything. Uh, not sure if they’ve noticed, but we currently have a canopy of “water vapor” over us. They’re called clouds. But I don’t know, for whatever reason, they seem to think that if it existed (which seems completely unbelievable and fantastical), it was this huge, thick dome of water. Whatever. Doesn’t this guy realize that the answer is always going to be “Because God”? Why even bother asking? Then again, maybe I should follow my own advice… |
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Jabberwock | “It’s in a book, so it MUST be true. And come on, when was the last time you saw tested observable evidence be right about anything?” Yeah, I’d imagine it would be pretty hard to swallow. It’s a pretty thick book. Maybe if you ran it through a food processor first or something. (TIP YOUR WAITRESS) Click Here for a picture of these “man and dinosaur tracks together”. I DUNNO, GUYS, I’M CERTAINLY CONVINCED. DURR. Even most of the die-hard supporters of this shit have given up on this “evidence” as a bullshit idea. Hey, Jack, I’ve got an image of the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich to sell you. What I like is that they’re willing to take pock marks in rocks as evidence of their accusations, but are unwilling to consider the mountains of similar (but far more believable) evidence in favor of evolutionary theory. “God doesn’t lie“, I guess. Oh, and neither do people, apparently. Especially not Kent Hovind. (Also: See below (bottom).) |
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Jabberwock | “HEY, ADAM. OOP, LEMME JUST TOUCH YOUR ASS, THERE FOR A SECOND. AH, YEAH, THAT’S NICE. I MADE A NICE ASS.” Oh, it’s a cameo by Jack Chick’s Faceless, Creepy God. Only this time, he’s not surrounded by the “Batman action” effect. |
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Jabberwock | Oh, she did not, “[m]ore than anything, [want] to be a God”, you fucking misogynist jerkoff. Here, try reading the damn thing, for a change, Jack: (I’m King James, bitch!)Nothing about Eve being power-hungry. Nothing about Eve wanting to be a god. Come ON. No objections from Adam, either. Stop making this all so patrio-centric. And what in fuck did God expect, anyway? He didn’t make humans wise - that apparently came from the tree. So how could they possibly know any better about anything? You make ‘em stupid, they’re going to act stupid. That’s how it works. Again, either God doesn’t exist (at least in the sense that most fundamentalists or Christians in general believe), or he’s a complete fucking moron. Take your pick. |
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Jabberwock | Ah, now God’s become a Batman action. They just had to rile him up a bit. *ZOT* *POW* *GOD* Yeah, yeah, big surprise. Your stupid people did something stupid. Hey, you’re the one who’s supposed to have infinite foresight. Even I could’ve predicted that’d happen. They didn’t blame each other. Adam blamed Eve, and Eve admitted it. What’s with the smear campaign? Here: 11: And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?For someone with such a raging boner for the Bible, Jack sure doesn’t seem to know a fucking thing about how the stories actually play out. |
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Jabberwock | Aaaaand surprise, surprise, the naive idiot character is on his knees blubbering like a moron and begging for Jesus to love him. HOW TOTALLY UNLIKE ANYTHING I’VE EVER SEEN BEFORE See? I told you. ALWAYS remember to cover your face when Jesus comes into your heart. You get any of that Christ-jizz in your eye, and you’ll wind up with one hell of an infection. I dunno, man, I wouldn’t be so quick to trust a guy who looks just like Hitler. |
Conclusion ⇑ ⇓
Jabberwock | Brief Note About “Dr.” Kent Hovind Someone needs to inform “Dr.” Kent “Doctor” Hovind that of the following stipulations for his $250,000 reward for “proving evolution”: *NOTE: When I use the word evolution, I am not referring to the minor variations found in all of the various life forms (microevolution). I am referring to the general theory of evolution which believes these five major events took place without God:Numbers 1-3 are more along the lines of cosmological theory, not evolutionary theory. He also apparently has another requirement that one must disprove the existence of God. Well, I offer “Dr.” Kent Hovind “D.D.S.” the following challenge: I will give you $250,000,000,000,000,000,000 if you can objectively prove to me the existence of God. *NOTE: In order to fully demonstrate this, you must also: 1. Develop an anti-gravity engine that can successfully propel an aircraft at least the size of a 747 airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. 2. Levitate eight feet in the air using only your mind. 3. Wrestle a bear to the death. 4. Drink nothing but smoothies made of spider silk and bee stingers for an entire week. 5. Successfully predict eight consecutive sets of lottery numbers in five states. 6. Die.* (* Offer not redeemable posthumously.) So, come on, I dare ya! So far, “Major” Kent “Hovind” has completely failed to demonstrate the existence of God. Therefore, God doesn’t exist. In the event he manages to prove to me, using the criteria above, that God does exist, I’ll let you all know. Until then, I guess it’s just safe to assume that he doesn’t. Anyway, that’s all for now. Stay tuned: More to come. Same Chick time, same Chick channel. |
Further Reading ⇑ ⇓
- Vintage page at Enter the Jabberwock (Courtesy of Archive.org)
- Product page at Chick Publications
Other Reviews & Commentaries ⇑
- Crimes Against Divinity - https://crimesagainstdivinity.wordpress.com/2013/04/28/jack-chicks-in-the-beginning-dissected/
- Tract Autopsies - http://lauralot89.blogspot.com/2013/07/in-beginning.html
- Bible Reloaded (YouTube video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDKsZipN7dQ