Truth For Youth - Born That Way. Comic #08. Art by Tim Todd - © 2004 Revival Fire
Born That Way - Truth For Youth #08 (HOMO)
Art by Tim Todd - © 2004 Revival Fire Ministries
In this tract, The Truth for Youth tries really, really, really hard to not come off as homophobic bigots. But even though the words used are nicer, the basic idea is the same under its fair cloak.
First Published: December 16th, 2010
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Jessica | Yeah! High school kids have have no business here! You need to at least be in college before you can properly participate in a riot! You just can't work up the required level of privileged indignation until you've been to University. |
Andrew | “Fight!” This panel goes much better with the Mortal Kombat movie theme song. You know, I think there are usually more cops present at stuff like this, just on the off chance people become violent. |
Jessica | "That crazy lesbian hit Zeke!" <sigh> |
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Jessica | Good job looking out for them by dragging them to a politically charged rally. Wouldn't a matinee have been a wiser choice? |
Andrew | Indeed- once again, I ask “why are they here?” It’s like some sort of Inception-type thing, where if you can’t remember how you got to a certain place, it must be a dream. Unfortunately for us, this comic is sadly real. |
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Jessica | Check out the potty mouth on Santo! I wonder if he kisses his mother with that mouth؟ And here we also have yet another character that spouts dialog displaying a sensible response to the situation, but is painted by the author to be completely unreasonable. |
Andrew | You know, I think it’s interesting that Santo is portrayed as both secular and anti-gay. We don’t really learn the religious beliefs of the pro-gay sister, though. I wonder if they were reluctant to deal in a serious way with religiously motivated violence against gays. In fact, none of the anti-gay protesters are shown as religious- no "God hates fags". Somehow I suspect this comic's depiction of gay-bashers is no more accurate than its portrayal of gay people. |
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Andrew | Santo’s a serious charmer, isn’t he? The motion lines coming out of his head make me think of ant antennae, like this is some kind of warped version of A Bugs Life or Antz. |
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Jessica | You know, the live and let live approach she proposes here is actually quite reasonable. Unfortunately you'd be really hard pressed to find any significant number of Christians willing to buy into it. It isn't just about practicing your religion, it about making everyone else practice it as well. So they aren't born that way, eh? So it must be a lifestyle choice, right? Isn't that what you ass-hats are always braying about? Well then how about you take just a few hours and try being a lesbian? Make out with our friend Louisa here. I am sure you can CHOOSE to make it feel completely natural to you. I'm sure your friend Santo over there would be taking pictures. |
Andrew | I’m not the expert on these matters, but I didn’t think “homosexuals” was considered especially bad. “Homosexual people” might be better. Kind of old fashioned, but there are far worse epithets. Also, “gay” is just slang, not some kind of term cooked up by the “Homosexual Agenda.” How does “gay” condone homosexuality over some other word? I guess it’s a little euphemistic, but think about it this way- when was the last time you heard anyone talk about having a “gay time”, or a “gay evening”, or visiting a “gay city”? That word only means one thing today, so it’s not like anyone’s hiding behind it. |
Jessica | Oh yeah, Pro-Choice is just a code word for "Abortion Supporter." And that's not nearly as loaded a term as you people who like to refer to them as "Pro-Death." No one wants more abortions, even Pro-Choice supporters, it's just better than the alternative of having NO choice. I have just one thing to say to our friend Angelique here. |
Andrew | I don’t suppose abortion opponents would much like the term “anti-choice”, would they? That would give the wrong connotation, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t that kind of, you know, totally let the cat out of the bag? |
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Jessica | Okay. Seriously. Screw this chick. What you do with your partner, regardless of what genitals they may or may not have is not God's business or societies business. That's between you two alone. Christ, butt-out lady! |
Andrew | And for no reason at all, here comes some tear gas. Butterfingers on whatever cop threw that, I guess. |
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Jessica | There's nothing an EMT is going to be able to do to make that guy okay. No way, no how, no sir. |
Andrew | Kids, I think Santo’s brain has been reduced to chunky salsa. |
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Jessica | I didn't catch the part about his "friend" Richard the first time through here. If he has one of those, then I don't think there's a lot of confusion as to whether he's gay or not. I always thought that "Hate the sin, love the sinner" line was a load of horse-shit. It's okay to be homosexual, as long as you don't commit any "homosexual acts." It's just another way to say you think something someone does is icky and wrong without sounding like a raging bigot. These people don't even have the balls to straight up hate gay people. They have to try to couch it in this P.R. bullshit. |
Andrew | Ooh, an “ex homosexual”. Yup, you kind of look like a gay pornstar. Dig the moustache. “Nobody thought of it that way.” I have no idea, but I’d be surprised if, over the course of human history up until the last 30 years, people have been saying, “yup, I chose to be this way, cuz it’s cool. Nevermind that it complicates my life and marks me as an outcast for much of society, I choose it… anyway!” |
Jessica | And there's always a guy who happens to have "come out of homosexuality" and is ready to tell our characters about how he used to be a puppy-raping arsonist before he swore off the cock. The implication here is that homosexuals, as a movement (they have an "agenda" too, don't you know) at some point decided "Hey! Let's tell everyone we were born this way! That way they'll buy our lies and we can keep on corrupting the children!" The sad part is how many people buy that. |
Andrew | “Their PR arsenal?” Who’s “they” anyway? The gay mafia? Does Tim Todd ever wonder why gay people might want people like him off their backs? |
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Jessica | What is with the repeated association of homosexuality with hatred? They are nothing like one another. Saying it's like having sex with animals or children is vile and disgusting, but at least there's a quasi-coherent train of thought that could lead these dullards from one to the other. But this just makes no sense! |
Andrew | We have a natural predisposition to sin… because God is just a huge joker like that! I’ll resist the urge to quote from The Devil’s Advocate again. |
Jessica | And to top off this steaming turd-pie, they hock a reparitive therapy organization. I shuttled over to Exodus International, but after just a few minutes in their FAQ section I got this uncontrollable urge to start writing some hate mail, so spare yourselves the trouble. It's nothing different than the clap-trap this comic is packed with, only there's a hell of a lot more of it. I weep for society. |
Andrew | So… what happened to Santo? And Louisa… she has nothing to say about all this? The entire point of this was to tell a little kid that being gay was wrong? |
Conclusion ⇑ ⇓
Jessica | I just... I don't even... |
Andrew | Well, they tried. They really tried. They wanted to carve out a space for evangelicals to stand on separate from Fred Phelps and his entire bunch . Maybe somebody realized the "God hates fags" approach tends not to get the desired effect. Instead, in this comic we have lots of “love the sinner, hate the sin.” Still, if the “sinner” is “sinning” then it’s kind of the same difference: “you are going to hell”. Then we’ve got a lot of hoo-hah about reparative therapy and ex-gays and all that. This comic attempts to capitalize on people’s desire to find some kind of middle ground on issues, a compromise that makes everyone happy. “If both parties are extreme, then the truth must lie someplace in the middle.” For some things, this works. But it doesn’t work for everything. Think of the civil rights version. “Black people want equal rights. White supremacists want black people to have no rights at all. Maybe the best outcome is some sort of compromise… like maybe black people get rights Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but not other days.” Stupid? Yes. But so is this comic, which is so reluctant to state what it actually believes because (horror) it would give people the right idea. |
Further Reading ⇑
- National Religious Leadership Roundtable respond to closing of Exodus International at National LGBTQ Task Force
- Product page at Revival Fire Ministries
- ⚜ Vintage Page