1 00:00:25,519 --> 00:00:29,929   "In the beginning God created
  the heaven and the earth."

2 00:00:29,929 --> 00:00:31,379   (Genesis 1:1)

3 [001] 00:00:31,379 --> 00:00:37,050   There are 3 parts to God --
  God the Father, God the Son

4 00:00:37,050 --> 00:00:38,860   and God the Holy Spirit.

5 [002] 00:00:38,860 --> 00:00:46,379   And these three are One!
  The true and living God.

6 00:00:46,379 --> 00:00:56,539   All three are separate,
  yet all three are one.

7 [003] 00:00:56,539 --> 00:01:01,850   There was a beautiful angel in heaven
  called Lucifer whose high position

8 00:01:01,850 --> 00:01:05,220   was to guard the throne of God...

9 [004] 00:01:05,220 --> 00:01:10,180   Then one day the sin of pride
  came into his heart...

10 00:01:10,180 --> 00:01:13,430   He wanted to be like God Almighty.

11 00:01:13,430 --> 00:01:19,450   Lucifer, in his madness,
  enticed many angels to join him

12 [005] 00:01:19,450 --> 00:01:26,090   in an attempt to take over heaven.
  But Lucifer had a big problem...

13 00:01:26,100 --> 00:01:29,000   He was only a created being.

14 [006] 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:35,420   God threw Lucifer and all the rebellious angels out of heaven.

15 [007] 00:01:35,420 --> 00:01:41,659   These fallen angels became devils
  and Lucifer became Satan.

16 [008] 00:01:41,659 --> 00:01:46,929   They settled around the planet earth,
  which became Satan's domain.

17 00:01:46,929 --> 00:01:52,069   The earth became the focal point
  for an amazing drama.

18 00:01:52,069 --> 00:02:03,479   It was now time to bring forth
  one of the key players.

19 [009] 00:02:03,479 --> 00:02:09,818   God said: "Let us make man
  in our image, after our likeness...

20 00:02:09,818 --> 00:02:13,440   and give them dominion...
  over all the earth.

21 00:02:13,440 --> 00:02:14,620   (Genesis 1:26)

22 [010] 00:02:14,620 --> 00:02:17,790   So God created man
  in his own image,

23 00:02:17,790 --> 00:02:24,569   in the image of God created he him:
  male and female created he them."

24 00:02:24,569 --> 00:02:25,620   (Genesis 1:27)

25 [011] 00:02:25,620 --> 00:02:30,650   "And the Lord God formed man
  of the dust of the ground,

26 00:02:30,650 --> 00:02:34,240   and breathed into his nostrils
  the breath of life;

27 00:02:34,240 --> 00:02:39,320   and man became a living soul."
  (Genesis 2:7)

28 [012] 00:02:39,320 --> 00:02:43,960   Adam was perfect and
  was made to live forever.

29 [013] 00:02:43,960 --> 00:02:48,350   But Satan was furious.
  His territory had been invaded

30 00:02:48,350 --> 00:02:59,500   by a new creation... called man.

31 [014] 00:02:59,500 --> 00:03:03,700   Adam lived in the beautiful
  Garden of Eden, and named all the animals

32 00:03:03,700 --> 00:03:07,540   that God the Son had created.

33 [015] 00:03:07,540 --> 00:03:11,450   Adam walked with God in harmony
  and the Lord gave him rule

34 00:03:11,450 --> 00:03:16,880   over all living things.
  But Satan hated Adam...

35 00:03:16,880 --> 00:03:19,960   and wanted him DEAD!

36 [016] 00:03:19,960 --> 00:03:27,980   "And Lord God commanded the man,
  saying, Of every tree of the garden

37 00:03:27,980 --> 00:03:32,480   thou mayest freely eat:
  But of the tree of the knowledge

38 00:03:32,480 --> 00:03:37,760   of good and evil,
  thou shalt not eat of it:

39 [017] 00:03:37,760 --> 00:03:43,310   for in the day that thou eatest
  thereof thou shalt surely die."

  00:03:43,310 --> 00:03:44,630
40 00:03:43,310 --> 00:03:44,630   (Genesis 2:1b)

41 [018] 00:03:44,630 --> 00:03:48,480   "And the Lord God said,
  It is not good

42 00:03:48,480 --> 00:03:52,930   that the man should be alone:
  I will make a help meet for him."

43 00:03:52,930 --> 00:03:53,750   (Genesis 2:18)

44 [019] 00:03:53,750 --> 00:03:57,740   So the Lord created Eve
  from one of Adam's ribs.

45 00:03:57,740 --> 00:04:06,460   Their life in the garden
  was a true paradise.

46 [020] 00:04:06,460 --> 00:04:10,040   When Eve was alone,
  Satan approached her in the form

47 [021] 00:04:10,040 --> 00:04:16,190   of a beautiful serpent.
  He lied to Eve and tempted her

48 00:04:16,190 --> 00:04:17,819   to eat from the forbidden tree...

49 [020] 00:04:17,819 --> 00:04:28,509   Eve made a horrible mistake:
  she obeyed Satan instead of God.

50 [022] 00:04:28,509 --> 00:04:32,810   In an open act of disobedience,
  both Adam and Eve,

51 00:04:32,810 --> 00:04:38,050   by eating the forbidden fruit,
  sinned before God.

52 00:04:38,050 --> 00:04:41,210   They lost their innocence.

53 [023] 00:04:41,210 --> 00:04:51,650   Both of them died spiritually and sin
  passed onto their descendants like a virus.

54 [024] 00:04:51,650 --> 00:04:59,919   As a result, none of us is without sin.
  God hates sin and

55 00:04:59,919 --> 00:05:04,800   will not allow it in His presence.

56 [025] 00:05:04,800 --> 00:05:10,939   The curse of death was upon all mankind
  and on the earth.

57 00:05:10,939 --> 00:05:15,069   The Lord cursed the ground
  to bring forth thorns and thistles

58 00:05:15,069 --> 00:05:17,430   as a result of sin.

59 [026] 00:05:17,430 --> 00:05:22,620   "Therefore the Lord God sent him forth
  from the garden of Eden,

60 00:05:22,620 --> 00:05:26,960   to till the ground from whence he was taken."
  (Genesis 3:23)

61 [027] 00:05:26,960 --> 00:05:32,219   As a result, Satan took control
  of this world system.

62 00:05:32,219 --> 00:05:35,900   Man no longer had dominion
  over all the earth and was now

63 00:05:35,900 --> 00:05:37,599   a slave to the Prince of Darkness

64 [028] 00:05:37,599 --> 00:05:45,620   and his demonic legions.
  Yet God, in His love,

65 00:05:45,620 --> 00:05:55,490   promised to send a Saviour
  to undo the damage caused by Adam.

66 [029] 00:05:55,490 --> 00:06:01,930   Adam and Eve had many children.
  Two of their sons were named Cain and Abel.

67 [030] 00:06:01,930 --> 00:06:11,689   Cain, the first born, in a vicious rage,
  murdered his brother, Abel. Mankind had

68 00:06:11,689 --> 00:06:15,960   already begun its downward slide.

69 [031] 00:06:15,960 --> 00:06:19,919   As the powers of darkness spread
  upon the earth,

70 00:06:19,919 --> 00:06:27,809   mankind became more violent.
  Endless wars and brutal acts of murder,

71 00:06:27,809 --> 00:06:30,689   rape and torture increased.

72 [032] 00:06:30,689 --> 00:06:37,900   Despite the Lord's mercy,
  men's hearts continued to turn against God.

73 [033] 00:06:37,900 --> 00:06:43,900   And because they did not fear God,
  mankind sank to its lowest level of depravity

74 00:06:43,900 --> 00:06:50,400   -- even to the sacrificing of children to

75 [034] 00:06:50,400 --> 00:07:02,409   It was rare to find a man who loved the Lord.

76 [035] 00:07:02,409 --> 00:07:12,169   But there was one man... a man of faith...
  named Abraham.

77 [036] 00:07:12,169 --> 00:07:17,509   He was a friend of God.
  The Lord blessed Abraham with a son

78 00:07:17,509 --> 00:07:23,819   when his wife was 90 years old.
  It was a miracle birth.

79 [037] 00:07:23,819 --> 00:07:32,379   From that line came the Chosen People of God...
  the Children of Israel.

80 [038] 00:07:32,379 --> 00:07:37,839   As time passed, the Children of Israel
  became slaves of the Egyptians

81 00:07:37,839 --> 00:07:43,960   and suffered in hard bondage for 400 years.

82 [039] 00:07:43,960 --> 00:07:51,479   God heard their cries for help.
  He loved them and wanted them to serve Him,

83 00:07:51,479 --> 00:07:56,259   so He sent them a deliverer.

84 [040] 00:07:56,259 --> 00:07:59,930   His name was Moses.
  He carried God's message to

85 00:07:59,930 --> 00:08:10,050   the most powerful man on earth,
  the ruler of Egypt... mighty Pharaoh.

86 [041] 00:08:10,050 --> 00:08:18,309   Moses spoke for the Lord and cried out,
  "Let my people go!" But Pharaoh refused.

87 00:08:18,309 --> 00:08:20,189   (Exodus 8:1)

88 [042] 00:08:20,189 --> 00:08:27,529   So God sent plagues against Egypt
  to force Pharaoh to give in.

89 00:08:27,529 --> 00:08:34,070   God turned all the water into blood.
  The fish died and the river stank.

90 [043] 00:08:34,070 --> 00:08:39,750   The Egyptians were frantic.
  They were unable to drink the water

91 00:08:39,750 --> 00:08:46,320   throughout all the land,
  yet Pharaoh would not budge.

92 [044] 00:08:46,320 --> 00:08:53,720   Other plagues followed.
  Frogs covered the land, their cattle died

93 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:57,480   and dust was turned into lice.

94 [045] 00:08:57,480 --> 00:09:03,790   The Egyptians were terrified,
  yet Pharaoh's heart grew harder.

95 [046] 00:09:03,790 --> 00:09:11,630   Then the Lord sent the Egyptians
  another plague... boils upon

96 [047] 00:09:11,630 --> 00:09:18,010   both man and beast.
  This was followed by another pestilence...

97 00:09:18,010 --> 00:09:22,950   Hail mingled with fire
  which fell throughout all the land,

98 00:09:22,950 --> 00:09:31,450   and destroyed their crops.
  Egypt was in ruins.

99 [048] 00:09:31,450 --> 00:09:35,530   The last great plague would
  kill all the first born

100 00:09:35,530 --> 00:09:40,590   throughout the land of Egypt.

101 [049] 00:09:40,590 --> 00:09:45,200   Moses warned the children of Israel
  that they must put the blood of a lamb

102 00:09:45,200 --> 00:09:52,310   on their doorposts
  as protection from God's final curse.

103 [050] 00:09:52,310 --> 00:09:57,400   The Lord judged Egypt.
  At midnight He passed through the land

104 00:09:57,400 --> 00:10:03,800   with the destroyer
  killing all of the first born.

105 [051] 00:10:03,800 --> 00:10:07,300   But when the Lord saw
  the blood on the doorposts,

106 00:10:07,300 --> 00:10:14,900   He would not allow the destroyer
  to enter that house... it was passed over.

107 [052] 00:10:14,900 --> 00:10:19,770   That night dead bodies
  were in every Egyptian home.

108 00:10:19,770 --> 00:10:27,120   The nation was in hysteria;
  even Pharaoh's son was dead.

109 [053] 00:10:27,120 --> 00:10:31,470   Before dawn, Pharaoh ordered Moses
  to take the children of Israel away

110 00:10:31,470 --> 00:10:36,070   to go serve the Lord.

111 [054] 00:10:36,070 --> 00:10:49,970   So under the mighty hand of God,
  they left.

112 [055] 00:10:50,120 --> 00:10:58,120   "And it came to pass at the end
  of the four hundred and thirty years,

113 00:10:58,130 --> 00:11:02,500   even the selfsame day it came to pass,...

114 [056] 00:11:02,500 --> 00:11:08,770   that all the hosts of the Lord went out
  from the land of Egypt.

115 00:11:08,770 --> 00:11:14,060   It is a night to be much observed
  unto the Lord for bringing them out

116 00:11:14,060 --> 00:11:17,780   from the land of Egypt."
  (Exodus 12:41)

117 [057] 00:11:17,780 --> 00:11:24,140   Pharaoh made one last attempt to stop them,
  but God opened the Red Sea

118 00:11:24,140 --> 00:11:28,040   allowing Moses and the children of Israel
  to escape.

119 [058] 00:11:28,220 --> 00:11:38,420   Then the Lord destroyed Pharaoh's army
  by closing the sea upon them.

120 [059] 00:11:38,680 --> 00:11:51,820   The Lord displayed incredible miracles
  before the people to show His great power.

121 [060] 00:11:51,830 --> 00:11:56,230   God then gave His people laws,
  the Ten Commandments,

122 00:11:56,230 --> 00:12:01,130   to protect them from sin
  and to guide them in life.

123 [061] 00:12:01,130 --> 00:12:08,830   But the children of Israel rebelled.
  Outwardly they served the Lord,

124 00:12:08,830 --> 00:12:12,780   but not in their hearts.

125 [062] 00:12:12,780 --> 00:12:20,580   They soon forgot about the miracles
  and their deliverance from the land of Egypt.

126 [063] 00:12:20,580 --> 00:12:25,020   As a result,
  God raised up kings to rule over them.

127 00:12:25,140 --> 00:12:30,040   But even the kings did evil in God's sight.

128 [064] 00:12:30,040 --> 00:12:36,320   "And they served their idols;
  which were a snare unto them.

129 00:12:36,320 --> 00:12:42,030   Yea, they sacrificed their sons
  and their daughters unto devils,

130 00:12:42,030 --> 00:12:44,140   And shed innocent blood,

131 [065] 00:12:44,140 --> 00:12:48,260   even the blood of their sons
  and of the daughters,

132 00:12:48,260 --> 00:12:53,490   whom they sacrificed
  unto the idols of Canaan,

133 00:12:53,490 --> 00:13:01,450   and the land was polluted with blood."
  (Psalm 106:38)

134 [066] 00:13:01,450 --> 00:13:05,230   Then God sent His prophets
  to warn the people

135 00:13:05,230 --> 00:13:12,180   to repent of their sins and serve God...
  but they rebelled over and over.

136 [067] 00:13:12,680 --> 00:13:19,160   The people hated the prophets
  and rather than repent and serve the Lord,

137 00:13:19,160 --> 00:13:24,340   they murdered these men of God without mercy.

138 [068] 00:13:24,340 --> 00:13:30,180   Time after time
  the children of Israel sinned.

139 00:13:30,190 --> 00:13:33,740   As a result,
  God allowed them to be captured

140 00:13:33,740 --> 00:13:36,380   and suffer in slavery.

141 00:13:36,380 --> 00:13:47,700   Look at us today... We are no different.

142 [069] 00:13:47,700 --> 00:13:59,050   The whole world is filled with
  liars, thieves, murderers and fornicators.

143 00:13:59,050 --> 00:14:06,240   We love revenge;
  we are all under the curse of sin.

144 00:14:06,240 --> 00:14:10,840   The Scriptures declare:
  "For all have sinned,

145 00:14:10,840 --> 00:14:16,600   and come short of the glory of God."
  (Romans 3:23)

146 [070] 00:14:16,600 --> 00:14:21,900   Let's see what happens
  to a sinner when he dies...

147 00:14:21,900 --> 00:14:26,420   This man thought he had everything...

148 [071] 00:14:26,420 --> 00:14:30,750   The Scriptures said:
  "And I will say to my soul,

149 00:14:30,750 --> 00:14:37,560   soul thou hast much goods
  laid up for many years:

150 00:14:37,560 --> 00:14:42,040   take thine ease, eat, drink,
  and be merry."

151 00:14:42,040 --> 00:14:43,960   (Luke 12:19)

152 [072] 00:14:43,960 --> 00:14:51,880   "But God said unto him,
  Thou fool, this night

153 00:14:51,880 --> 00:14:56,730   thy soul shall be required of thee..."
  (Luke 12:20)

154 [073] 00:14:56,730 --> 00:15:04,710   It is appointed unto men once to die,
  but after this the judgment."

155 [074] 00:15:04,920 --> 00:15:04,920   (Hebrews 9:27)

156 00:15:10,710 --> 00:15:16,300   are as filthy rags;
  and we all do fade as a leaf;

157 00:15:16,300 --> 00:15:21,400   and our iniquities,
  like the wind, have taken us away."

158 00:15:21,400 --> 00:15:22,720   (Isaiah 64:6)

159 [075] 00:15:22,720 --> 00:15:29,510   It is a fearful thing
  to fall into the hands of an angry God.

160 00:15:29,510 --> 00:15:34,680   (See Hebrews 10:31)

161 [076] 00:15:34,680 --> 00:15:38,320   After death
  his soul is immediately taken to hell

162 00:15:38,320 --> 00:15:44,360   to wait for God's terrible judgment...
  all because he rejected

163 00:15:44,360 --> 00:15:49,370   God's love gift of eternal life.

164 [077] 00:15:49,370 --> 00:15:57,100   The time is coming;
  it is called the great and terrible day

165 00:15:57,100 --> 00:16:02,130   of God's judgment,
  when all who died in their sins

166 00:16:02,130 --> 00:16:06,100   will be called to appear
  before the Lord Jesus Christ

167 00:16:06,100 --> 00:16:10,170   to be judged.

168 [078] 00:16:10,170 --> 00:16:15,750   The Word of God says:
  "And I saw a great white throne,

169 00:16:15,750 --> 00:16:20,650   and him that sat on it,
  from whose face the earth

170 00:16:20,650 --> 00:16:27,200   and the heaven fled away;
  and there was found no place for them."

171 00:16:27,200 --> 00:16:28,420   (Revelation 20:11)

172 [079] 00:16:28,420 --> 00:16:34,480   "And the sea gave up the dead
  which were in it; ...

173 [080] 00:16:34,480 --> 00:16:38,840   and death and hell delivered up the dead
  which were in them: ..."

174 00:16:38,840 --> 00:16:41,400   (Revelation 20:13)

175 [081] 00:16:41,400 --> 00:16:46,960   "And I saw the dead, small and great,
  stand before God;

176 00:16:46,960 --> 00:16:51,220   and the books were opened:
  and another book was opened,

177 00:16:51,230 --> 00:16:55,110   which is the book of life...

178 [082] 00:16:55,110 --> 00:16:58,490   and the dead were judged out of
  those things which were

179 00:16:58,490 --> 00:17:02,190   written in the books,
  according to their works."

180 00:17:02,190 --> 00:17:03,380   (Revelation 20:12)

181 [083] 00:17:03,380 --> 00:17:06,849   "... every idle word
  that men shall speak,

182 00:17:06,849 --> 00:17:10,168   they shall give account thereof
  in the day of judgment."

183 00:17:10,169 --> 00:17:12,209   (Matthew 12:36)

184 [084] 00:17:12,209 --> 00:17:15,980   When it is over,
  God will ask an angel

185 00:17:15,980 --> 00:17:24,429   to open the Book of Life
  to see if your name appears.

186 [085] 00:17:24,429 --> 00:17:32,020   The angel will look and say:
  "That name does not appear, Lord!"

187 [086] 00:17:32,020 --> 00:17:37,030   And God will say,
  "Depart from me, ye cursed,

188 00:17:37,030 --> 00:17:43,250   into everlasting fire,
  prepared for the devil and his angels:"

189 00:17:43,250 --> 00:17:45,260   (Matthew 25:41)

190 [087] 00:17:45,260 --> 00:17:50,540   "And these shall go away
  into everlasting punishment:

191 00:17:50,540 --> 00:17:55,200   but the righteous into life eternal."
  (Matthew 25:46)

192 [088] 00:17:55,200 --> 00:18:01,940   "And whosoever was not found
  written in the book of life

193 [089] 00:18:01,940 --> 00:18:07,000   was cast into the lake of fire."
  (Revelation 20:15)

194 00:18:07,010 --> 00:18:11,100   The Bible says:
  "And the smoke of their torment

195 00:18:11,100 --> 00:18:17,620   ascendeth up for ever and ever:
  and they have no rest

196 00:18:17,660 --> 00:18:28,400   day nor night,..." forever.
  (Revelation 14:11)

197 [090] 00:18:28,410 --> 00:18:33,350   But God, in His great love,
  prepared a way for you

198 00:18:33,350 --> 00:18:37,530   to miss this terrible place.

199 [091] 00:18:37,530 --> 00:18:41,630   He is "...not willing
  that any should perish,

200 00:18:41,630 --> 00:18:45,990   but that all should come to repentance."
  (2 Peter 3:9b)

201 [092] 00:18:45,990 --> 00:18:51,640   God loves you and wants you
  to live with Him in heaven...

202 00:18:51,640 --> 00:18:56,570   and He made a way for you
  to go there and miss hell.

203 00:18:56,570 --> 00:19:07,809   And that way is through the Promised One...
  the Deliverer.

204 [093] 00:19:07,809 --> 00:19:12,170   The Jews looked for Him
  as their Messiah and prayed for centuries

205 00:19:12,170 --> 00:19:15,660   for Him to come and save them.

206 [094] 00:19:15,660 --> 00:19:22,100   Around the year 760 B.C.,
  the prophet Isaiah said

207 00:19:22,100 --> 00:19:27,010   to the nation of Israel:
  "Therefore the Lord himself

208 00:19:27,010 --> 00:19:29,020   shall give you a sign;...

209 [095] 00:19:29,020 --> 00:19:34,050   Behold, a virgin shall conceive,
  and bear a son,

210 00:19:34,050 --> 00:19:40,470   and shall call his name Immanuel."
  (Which means "God with us.")

211 00:19:40,470 --> 00:19:41,309   (Isaiah 7:14)

212 [096] 00:19:41,309 --> 00:19:46,640   Satan understood the prophecy.
  From that time on,

213 00:19:46,640 --> 00:19:50,370   every virgin in Israel
  was closely watched.

214 [097] 00:19:50,370 --> 00:19:56,120   Years later,
  prior to the birth of the Messiah,

215 00:19:56,120 --> 00:20:01,650   Israel was once again
  under slavery to a foreign power.

216 [098] 00:20:01,650 --> 00:20:07,520   This time it was
  the mighty Roman Empire.

217 [099] 00:20:07,520 --> 00:20:17,960   Rome showed no mercy to the Jews.
  It was during this dark period

218 00:20:17,960 --> 00:20:27,610   that God's great
  plan of salvation began.

219 [100] 00:20:27,610 --> 00:20:30,470   When Gabriel,
  one of the highest ranking

220 00:20:30,470 --> 00:20:34,630   angels in heaven,
  penetrated the earth's atmosphere,

221 [101] 00:20:34,630 --> 00:20:38,580   the powers of darkness
  were electrified and

222 00:20:38,580 --> 00:20:44,240   instantly recognized that
  God's time table was now in motion.

223 [102] 00:20:44,240 --> 00:20:51,440   Gabriel came to the city of Nazareth
  to visit Mary, a virgin,

224 00:20:51,440 --> 00:20:58,100   to give her a message
  that would change the world forever.

225 [103] 00:20:58,100 --> 00:21:02,910   Mary was overwhelmed
  at the appearance of the angel.

226 00:21:02,910 --> 00:21:06,100   He said to her:
  "Behold, thou shalt

227 00:21:06,100 --> 00:21:09,760   conceive in thy womb,
  and bring forth a son,

228 00:21:09,760 --> 00:21:12,620   and shalt call his name JESUS."
  (Luke 1:31)

229 [104] 00:21:12,620 --> 00:21:17,300   "He shall be great,
  and shall be called the Son of the Highest...

230 00:21:17,300 --> 00:21:19,830   and of his kingdom there shall be no end."
  (Luke 1:32-33)

231 [105] 00:21:19,830 --> 00:21:26,370   And Mary said:
  "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?"

232 00:21:26,370 --> 00:21:27,530   (Luke 1:34)

233 [106] 00:21:27,530 --> 00:21:32,380   "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
  and the power of the Highest

234 00:21:32,380 --> 00:21:34,360   shall overshadow thee; ..."

235 00:21:34,360 --> 00:21:38,670   therefore also that holy thing
  which shall be born of thee

236 00:21:38,670 --> 00:21:41,809   shall be called the Son of God."
  (Luke 1:35)

237 [107] 00:21:41,809 --> 00:21:51,150   And Mary believed Gabriel and said,
  "... be it unto me according to thy word."

238 00:21:51,150 --> 00:21:54,059   (Luke 1:38)

239 [108] 00:21:54,059 --> 00:22:03,459   Jesus leaves the glories of heaven
  to begin His mission. Destination... Nazareth!

240 [109] 00:22:03,460 --> 00:22:10,840   The Holy Spirit overshadows
  Mary the virgin and she conceives.

241 00:22:10,840 --> 00:22:20,630   In her body the Creator of the universe
  is being transformed into a baby.

242 [110] 00:22:20,630 --> 00:22:24,140   Later, Mary was led
  to visit her older cousin,

243 00:22:24,140 --> 00:22:29,600   who was 6 months pregnant.
  When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting

244 00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:33,630   "the babe leaped in her womb;"
  (Luke 1:41)

245 [111] 00:22:33,630 --> 00:22:38,429   and she "was filled with the Holy Ghost."
  (Luke 1:41)

246 00:22:38,429 --> 00:22:44,380   Elizabeth's child would be born...
  John the Baptist!

247 [112] 00:22:44,380 --> 00:22:47,309   And Elizabeth
  "spake out with a loud voice,

248 00:22:47,309 --> 00:22:51,990   and said,
  Blessed art thou among women,

249 00:22:51,990 --> 00:22:56,630   and blessed is the fruit of thy womb."
  (Luke 1:42)

250 [113] 00:22:56,630 --> 00:23:02,179   Mary was engaged to Joseph,
  but she was now with child

251 00:23:02,179 --> 00:23:05,390   and Jewish law demanded death
  to any maiden

252 00:23:05,390 --> 00:23:14,190   who got pregnant before marriage.
  This was a major problem for Mary.

253 [114] 00:23:14,190 --> 00:23:18,860   Behind the scenes,
  Satan wanted Mary stoned to death

254 00:23:18,860 --> 00:23:24,520   to murder the child,
  but Joseph loved Mary and

255 00:23:24,520 --> 00:23:28,370   didn't want to make her a public example.

256 [115] 00:23:28,370 --> 00:23:32,220   He was afraid for her safety,
  and planned to

257 00:23:32,220 --> 00:23:34,860   call off the marriage privately.

258 [116] 00:23:34,860 --> 00:23:39,230   The angel of the Lord
  appeared to Joseph in a dream saying:

259 00:23:39,230 --> 00:23:45,200   "...fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife;
  for that which is conceived in her

260 00:23:45,200 --> 00:23:47,170   is of the Holy Ghost.
  (Matthew 1:20)

261 [117] 00:23:47,170 --> 00:23:53,309   And she shall bring forth a son,
  and thou shalt call his name JESUS:

262 00:23:53,309 --> 00:23:56,030   for he shall save his people
  from their sins."

263 00:23:56,030 --> 00:23:57,350   (Matthew 1:21)

264 [118] 00:23:57,350 --> 00:24:06,150   Then Joseph and Mary were married
  in the city of Nazareth.

265 [119] 00:24:06,150 --> 00:24:13,020   Satan moved Caesar Augustus
  in Rome to tax the whole world.

266 00:24:13,020 --> 00:24:16,850   Satan did this for evil,

267 [120] 00:24:16,850 --> 00:24:21,250   but in so doing
  he helped fulfill Bible prophecy,

268 00:24:21,250 --> 00:24:26,470   by forcing Joseph and Mary
  to journey to Bethlehem,

269 [121] 00:24:26,470 --> 00:24:30,900   where the Bible said
  Jesus would be born.

270 00:24:30,900 --> 00:24:35,830   Bethlehem was also
  the place of Joseph's birth

271 00:24:35,830 --> 00:24:41,350   and it was there he had to
  register for taxation.

272 [122] 00:24:41,350 --> 00:24:46,559   Mary was just about to give birth.
  Satan was hoping

273 00:24:46,559 --> 00:24:50,070   there would be an accident
  on that long journey.

274 00:24:50,070 --> 00:24:54,640   But God was in control.

275 [123] 00:24:54,640 --> 00:24:59,990   "And she brought forth
  her firstborn son, and

276 00:24:59,990 --> 00:25:04,750   wrapped him in swaddling clothes,

277 [124] 00:25:04,750 --> 00:25:08,510   and laid him in a manger;
  because there was

278 00:25:08,510 --> 00:25:16,610   no room for them in the inn."
  (Luke 2:7)

279 [125] 00:25:16,610 --> 00:25:19,890   That night shepherds
  were in a nearby field

280 00:25:19,890 --> 00:25:23,270   watching their sheep.
  The angel of the Lord

281 00:25:23,270 --> 00:25:24,760   appeared unto them and said:

282 [126] 00:25:24,760 --> 00:25:28,680   "Fear not:
  for, behold, I bring you

283 00:25:28,690 --> 00:25:32,730   good tidings of great joy,
  which shall be to all people.

284 00:25:32,730 --> 00:25:37,610   For unto you is born this day
  in the city of David a Saviour,

285 [127] 00:25:37,610 --> 00:25:40,370   which is Christ the Lord."
  (Luke 2:10, 11)

286 00:25:40,370 --> 00:25:45,460   "And suddenly there was with the angel
  a multitude of the heavenly host

287 00:25:45,460 --> 00:25:48,770   praising God..." (Luke 2:13)

288 [128] 00:25:48,770 --> 00:25:56,270   It was in a lowly stable that
  the Creator of the universe was born.

289 00:25:56,270 --> 00:26:03,470   The Bible says: "He was in the world,
  and the world was made by him,

290 00:26:03,470 --> 00:26:13,760   and the world knew him not."
  (John 1:10)

291 [129] 00:26:13,760 --> 00:26:20,620   This is how the Bible describes Jesus:
  "In the beginning was the Word

292 00:26:20,620 --> 00:26:26,280   and the Word was with God,
  and the Word was God.

293 00:26:26,280 --> 00:26:31,380   The same was in the beginning with God.
  (John 1:1-2)

294 [130] 00:26:31,380 --> 00:26:38,130   All things were made by Him and
[131]   without Him was not anything made

295 [132] 00:26:38,130 --> 00:26:46,680   that was made."
  (John 1:3)

296 [133] 00:26:46,680 --> 00:26:51,679   "And when eight days were accomplished
  for the circumcising of the child,

297 00:26:51,679 --> 00:26:58,320   his name was called JESUS,
  which was so named of the angel

298 00:26:58,320 --> 00:27:03,970   before he was conceived in the womb."
  (Luke 2:21)

299 [134] 00:27:03,970 --> 00:27:07,429   According to Jewish law,
  Mary faithfully offered
300 00:27:07,429 --> 00:27:12,680   two turtledoves for a sin offering.

301 [135] 00:27:12,680 --> 00:27:19,320   Even though God had chosen Mary
  for such a high honor,

302 00:27:19,330 --> 00:27:24,790   Mary knew she was a sinner and
  understood that her child,

303 00:27:24,790 --> 00:27:31,360   Jesus, would be her Saviour.

304 [136] 00:27:31,370 --> 00:27:35,630   In the temple
  was a respected man named Simeon.

305 00:27:35,630 --> 00:27:39,549   The Bible says,
  "And it was revealed unto him

306 00:27:39,549 --> 00:27:43,580   by the Holy Ghost,
  that he should not see death,

307 00:27:43,580 --> 00:27:48,130   before he had seen the Lord's Christ."
  (Luke 2:26)

308 [137] 00:27:48,130 --> 00:27:52,299   He took the child Jesus in his arms
  and said,

309 00:27:52,299 --> 00:27:58,480   "... mine eyes have seen thy salvation,"
  (Luke 2:30)

310 [138] 00:27:58,480 --> 00:28:03,049   At the birth of the Lord Jesus,
  a star appeared in the heavens

311 00:28:03,049 --> 00:28:08,669   and wise men from the East,
  carrying gifts, followed the star.

312 00:28:08,669 --> 00:28:16,190   It would be a two year journey
  before they reached Jerusalem.

313 [139] 00:28:16,190 --> 00:28:20,820   The Wise Men came to King Herod
  and asked,

314 00:28:20,820 --> 00:28:23,559   "... Where is he that is born
  King of the Jews?

315 00:28:23,559 --> 00:28:28,110   for we have seen his star in the east,
  and are come to worship him."

316 00:28:28,110 --> 00:28:29,540   (Matthew 2:2)

317 [140] 00:28:29,540 --> 00:28:35,370   "And when Herod the king
  had heard these things, he was troubled,

318 00:28:35,370 --> 00:28:39,950   and all Jerusalem with him."
  (Matthew 2:3)

319 [141] 00:28:39,950 --> 00:28:43,260   And when he had gathered
  all the chief priests and scribes

320 00:28:43,260 --> 00:28:46,390   of the people together,
  he demanded of them

321 00:28:46,390 --> 00:28:51,520   where Christ should be born.
  And they said unto him,

322 00:28:51,520 --> 00:28:54,760   In Bethlehem of Judea ..."
  (Matthew 2:4)

323 [142] 00:28:54,760 --> 00:28:59,300   "When they had heard the king,
  they departed; and, lo,

324 00:28:59,300 --> 00:29:05,280   the star, which they saw
  in the east, went before them,

325 00:29:05,290 --> 00:29:09,120   till it came and stood over
  where the young child was."

326 00:29:09,120 --> 00:29:10,210   (Matthew 2:9)

327 [143] 00:29:10,210 --> 00:29:16,470   "And when they were come into the house,
  they saw the young child

328 00:29:16,470 --> 00:29:24,010   with Mary his mother, and fell down,
  and worshipped him:

329 [144] 00:29:24,010 --> 00:29:26,840   and when they had
  opened their treasures,

330 00:29:26,840 --> 00:29:33,340   they presented unto him gifts;
  gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."

331 00:29:33,340 --> 00:29:34,440   (Matthew 2:11)

332 [145] 00:29:34,440 --> 00:29:40,540   "And being warned of God in a dream
  that they should not return to Herod,

333 00:29:40,549 --> 00:29:45,660   they departed into their own country
  another way." (Matthew 2:12)

334 [146] 00:29:45,660 --> 00:29:52,000   "And when they were departed,
  behold, the angel of the Lord

335 00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:57,179   appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying,

336 [147] 00:29:57,179 --> 00:30:04,740   Arise, and take the young child
  and his mother, and flee into Egypt,

337 00:30:04,740 --> 00:30:08,900   and be thou there
  until I bring thee word:

338 00:30:08,900 --> 00:30:14,140   for Herod will seek the young child
  to destroy him.

339 00:30:14,140 --> 00:30:16,460   (Matthew 2:13)

340 [148] 00:30:16,460 --> 00:30:19,830   When he arose,
  he took the young child

341 00:30:19,830 --> 00:30:25,059   and his mother by night,
  and departed into Egypt:"

342 00:30:25,059 --> 00:30:26,570   (Matthew 2:14)

343 [149] 00:30:26,570 --> 00:30:32,000   "Then Herod, when he saw
  that he was mocked of the wise men,

344 00:30:32,000 --> 00:30:35,520   was exceeding wroth,

345 [150] 00:30:35,520 --> 00:30:39,309   and sent forth,
  and slew all the children

346 00:30:39,309 --> 00:30:44,740   that were in Bethlehem,
  and all the coasts thereof,

347 00:30:44,740 --> 00:30:49,020   from two years old and under,
  according to the time which

348 00:30:49,020 --> 00:30:54,410   he had diligently inquired of the wise men."
  (Matthew 2:16)

349 [151] 00:30:54,410 --> 00:30:57,730   "Then was fulfilled
  that which was spoken

350 00:30:57,730 --> 00:31:01,530   by Jeremy the prophet, saying,

351 [152] 00:31:01,530 --> 00:31:08,020   "In Rama was there a voice heard,
  lamentation, and weeping,

352 00:31:08,020 --> 00:31:13,510   and great mourning,
  Rachel weeping for her children,

353 00:31:13,510 --> 00:31:18,510   and would not be comforted,
  because they are not."

354 00:31:18,510 --> 00:31:19,700   (Matthew 2:17-18)

355 [153] 00:31:19,700 --> 00:31:25,470   Even though there was a great
  slaughter of the innocents,

356 00:31:25,470 --> 00:31:34,370   God took their precious little souls
  to heaven.

357 [154] 00:31:37,020 --> 00:31:42,000   After King Herod died,
  the family moved back to Nazareth...

358 00:31:42,010 --> 00:31:46,990   "And the child grew,
  and waxed strong in spirit,

359 00:31:46,990 --> 00:31:52,210   filled with wisdom:
  and the grace of God was upon Him."

360 00:31:52,210 --> 00:31:53,730   (Luke 2:40)

361 [155] 00:31:53,730 --> 00:32:00,360   "Now his parents went to Jerusalem
  every year at the feast of the passover.

362 00:32:00,360 --> 00:32:04,110   And when he was twelve years old,
  they went up to Jerusalem

363 00:32:04,110 --> 00:32:08,210   after the custom of the feast."
  (Luke 2:41-42)

364 [156] 00:32:08,210 --> 00:32:13,419   During the Passover,
  Jesus understood that one day,

365 00:32:13,419 --> 00:32:16,820   as the Lamb of God,
  He would be sacrificed

366 00:32:16,820 --> 00:32:28,110   for the sins of the world.
  This was the greatest life ever lived.

367 [157] 00:32:28,110 --> 00:32:32,900   At the end of the feast,
  instead of going home with His family,

368 00:32:32,900 --> 00:32:36,020   Jesus was in the great temple
  with the doctors,

369 00:32:36,020 --> 00:32:39,660   "both hearing them,
  and asking them questions."

370 00:32:39,660 --> 00:32:42,610   (Luke 2:46b)

371 [158] 00:32:42,610 --> 00:32:47,580   Satan watched his enemy
  and heard His words.

372 [159] 00:32:47,580 --> 00:32:53,730   The doctors were astonished
  at His understanding and answers...

373 00:32:53,730 --> 00:32:59,820   How did young Jesus
  know so much about the Law?

374 [160] 00:32:59,820 --> 00:33:04,730   It was easy... in His glory
  1500 years earlier,

375 00:33:04,730 --> 00:33:12,350   He Himself had given the Laws
  to Moses on Mt. Sinai.

376 [161] 00:33:12,350 --> 00:33:17,900   When Joseph and His mother found Jesus,
  "they were amazed;

377 00:33:17,900 --> 00:33:24,059   and his mother said unto him,
  Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us?"

378 00:33:24,059 --> 00:33:25,330   (Luke 2:48a)

379 [162] 00:33:25,330 --> 00:33:29,830   "And he said unto them,
  How is it that ye sought me?

380 00:33:29,830 --> 00:33:35,150   wist ye not that
  I must be about my Father's business?"

381 00:33:35,150 --> 00:33:42,160   "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,
  and in favour with God and man."

382 00:33:42,160 --> 00:33:43,580   (Luke 2:49, 52)

383 [163] 00:33:43,580 --> 00:33:47,169   18 years later,
  John the Baptist was asked

384 00:33:47,169 --> 00:33:50,830   if he was a prophet.
  He answered them and said,

385 00:33:50,830 --> 00:33:55,799   "I baptize with water:
  but there standeth one among you,

386 00:33:55,799 --> 00:33:57,210   whom ye know not.

387 [164] 00:33:57,210 --> 00:34:02,490   He it is, who coming after me
  is preferred before me,

388 00:34:02,490 --> 00:34:05,780   whose shoe's latchet
  I am not worthy to unloose."

389 00:34:05,780 --> 00:34:06,720   (John 1:26b-27)

390 [165] 00:34:06,720 --> 00:34:12,309   The next day Jesus, now 30,
  came to John to be baptized.

391 00:34:12,309 --> 00:34:20,069   When John the Baptist saw him, he said:
  "Behold the Lamb of God,

392 00:34:20,069 --> 00:34:24,668   which taketh away the sin of the world."
  (John 1:29b)
393 [166] 00:34:24,668 --> 00:34:30,209   "And Jesus, when he was baptized,
  went up straightway out of the water:

394 [167] 00:34:30,210 --> 00:34:33,980   and lo,
  the heavens were opened unto him,

395 00:34:33,980 --> 00:34:38,429   and he saw the Spirit of God
  descending like a dove,

396 00:34:38,429 --> 00:34:41,418   and lighting upon him:
  (Matthew 3:16)

397 [168] 00:34:41,418 --> 00:34:49,499   And lo a voice from heaven, saying,
  This is my beloved Son,

398 00:34:49,500 --> 00:34:54,690   in whom I am well pleased."
  (Matthew 3:17)

399 [169] 00:34:54,690 --> 00:34:59,460   Immediately He was led
  into the wilderness by the Spirit

400 00:34:59,460 --> 00:35:04,730   and was with the wild beasts...
  being tempted by the devil and

401 00:35:04,730 --> 00:35:09,510   He did eat nothing for forty days.

402 [170] 00:35:09,510 --> 00:35:13,119   Despite all of Satan's efforts
  to make the Lord sin,

403 00:35:13,119 --> 00:35:18,530   he utterly failed
  because Jesus is God Almighty...

404 00:35:18,530 --> 00:35:23,790   and there is no sin in Him.

405 [171] 00:35:23,790 --> 00:35:29,440   When the temptation ended,
  Jesus said, "Get thee hence, Satan:

406 00:35:29,440 --> 00:35:35,060   for it is written,
  Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God,

407 00:35:35,060 --> 00:35:39,960   and him only shalt thou serve.
  (Matthew 4:10)

408 [172] 00:35:39,960 --> 00:35:44,960   Then the devil leaveth him, and,
  behold, angels came

409 00:35:44,960 --> 00:35:48,400   and ministered unto him."
  (Matthew 4:11)

410 [173] 00:35:48,410 --> 00:35:51,570   As the Lord began His ministry,
  He preached,

411 00:35:51,570 --> 00:35:54,359   "Repent:
  for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

412 00:35:54,359 --> 00:35:56,300   (Matthew 4:17b)

413 [174] 00:35:56,300 --> 00:36:00,280   And Jesus revealed the heart of God
  by saying,

414 00:36:00,280 --> 00:36:07,990   "Love your enemies...
  do good to them that hate you..."

415 00:36:07,990 --> 00:36:09,540   (Matthew 5:44)

416 [175] 00:36:09,540 --> 00:36:13,270   His teaching stunned the people
  and they said,

417 00:36:13,270 --> 00:36:18,849   "Never spake man like this man."
  (John 7:46b)

418 [176] 00:36:18,849 --> 00:36:22,430   Most of the religious leaders,
  controlling the temple,

419 00:36:22,430 --> 00:36:25,940   were rich hypocrites
  who had no mercy

420 00:36:25,940 --> 00:36:31,460   and had corrupted God's laws.
  They quickly became the enemies

421 00:36:31,460 --> 00:36:34,860   of the Lord Jesus.

422 [177] 00:36:34,860 --> 00:36:39,840   The temple of God had been turned
  into a money making operation...

423 00:36:39,840 --> 00:36:43,930   cheating the poor and innocent.
  When Jesus saw it,

424 00:36:43,930 --> 00:36:46,950   in anger He made a whip

425 [178] 00:36:46,960 --> 00:36:51,380   and drove the religious crooks
  out of the temple,

426 00:36:51,390 --> 00:36:55,359   poured out the changer's money
  and overthrew their tables...

427 [179] 00:36:55,359 --> 00:36:58,140   and said,
  "Make not my Father's house

428 00:36:58,140 --> 00:37:06,160   an house of merchandise."
  (John 2:16)

429 [180] 00:37:09,120 --> 00:37:13,540   Jesus was the great miracle worker.
  The Bible says,

430 00:37:13,540 --> 00:37:17,520   "Behold, there came a leper
  and worshipped him saying,

431 00:37:17,520 --> 00:37:26,040   Lord, if thou wilt,
  thou canst make me clean.

432 [181] 00:37:26,040 --> 00:37:29,200   And Jesus put forth his hand,

433 00:37:29,200 --> 00:37:35,859   and touched him, saying,
  I will; be thou clean.

434 [182] 00:37:35,859 --> 00:37:39,369   And immediately
  his leprosy was cleansed."

435 00:37:39,369 --> 00:37:40,490   (Matthew 8:2-3)

436 [183] 00:37:40,490 --> 00:37:43,690   The Lord had compassion
  on the hungry multitude

437 00:37:43,690 --> 00:37:47,760   following Him
  and through His miracle power

438 00:37:47,760 --> 00:37:54,400   He fed 5,000 men and their families
  with just 2 fishes

439 00:37:54,400 --> 00:37:57,160   and 5 loaves of bread.

440 [184] 00:37:57,160 --> 00:38:03,070   "And Jesus went forth,
  and saw a great multitude,

441 00:38:03,070 --> 00:38:06,580   and was moved
  with compassion toward them,

442 00:38:06,580 --> 00:38:12,420   and he healed their sick."
  (Matthew 14:14)

443 [185] 00:38:13,680 --> 00:38:21,120   One night Jesus surprised His disciples
  by walking on the water.

444 00:38:21,120 --> 00:38:24,320   He said to them,
  "Be of good cheer,

445 00:38:24,330 --> 00:38:29,770   it is I; be not afraid."
  (Matthew 14:27)

446 [186] 00:38:29,770 --> 00:38:35,710   All creation obeyed the Son of God.
  Jesus declared...

447 00:38:35,710 --> 00:38:41,700   "I am the resurrection,
  and the life:

448 00:38:41,700 --> 00:38:46,040   he that believeth in me,
  though he were dead,

449 00:38:46,040 --> 00:38:49,310   yet shall he live..."
  (John 11:25)

450 [187] 00:38:49,310 --> 00:38:54,180   In demonstration of His power,
  He came to the grave of Lazarus,

451 00:38:54,180 --> 00:38:57,310   who had been dead 4 days...
  and Jesus

452 00:38:57,310 --> 00:39:02,609   "cried with a loud voice,
  Lazarus, come forth."

453 00:39:02,609 --> 00:39:04,359   (John 11:43)

454 [188] 00:39:04,359 --> 00:39:13,690   "And he that was dead came forth,
  bound hand and foot with graveclothes: ..."

455 00:39:13,690 --> 00:39:19,330   and the news spread everywhere
  that Jesus could even raise the dead.

456 [189] 00:39:19,330 --> 00:39:20,500   (John 11:44)

457 00:39:20,500 --> 00:39:23,900   "When the even was come,
  they brought unto him

458 00:39:23,900 --> 00:39:27,510   many that were possessed
  with devils:

459 00:39:27,510 --> 00:39:29,760   and he cast out the spirits
  with his word,

460 00:39:29,760 --> 00:39:36,650   and healed all that were sick."
  (Matthew 8:16)

461 [190] 00:39:36,650 --> 00:39:41,270   The common people admired Jesus.
  His biggest opposition

462 00:39:41,270 --> 00:39:45,830   came from religious leaders.
  They accused Him, saying

463 00:39:45,830 --> 00:39:50,070   that His power came from Satan.

464 [191] 00:39:50,070 --> 00:39:56,680   But Jesus said to them,
  "Ye are of your father the devil,

465 00:39:56,680 --> 00:40:02,970   and the lusts of your father ye will do.
  He was a murderer from the beginning,

466 00:40:02,970 --> 00:40:08,840   and abode not in the truth,
  because there is no truth in him.

467 00:40:08,840 --> 00:40:09,940   (John 8:44)

468 [192] 00:40:09,940 --> 00:40:13,920   When he speaketh a lie,
  he speaketh of his own:

469 00:40:13,920 --> 00:40:18,950   for he is a liar,
  and the father of it.

470 00:40:18,950 --> 00:40:24,359   And because I tell you the truth,
  ye believe me not."

471 00:40:24,359 --> 00:40:25,760   (John 8:44b-45)

472 [193] 00:40:25,760 --> 00:40:30,180   Behind the scenes,
  Satan was deeply involved.

473 00:40:30,180 --> 00:40:32,690   But you must realize
  that before the devil

474 00:40:32,690 --> 00:40:36,220   moves against someone,
  he must first get permission

475 00:40:36,220 --> 00:40:40,119   from God the Father in heaven.

476 [194] 00:40:40,119 --> 00:40:45,119   And so to fulfill Bible prophecy,
  God allowed Satan

477 00:40:45,119 --> 00:40:47,930   to attack the Lord Jesus.

478 [195] 00:40:47,930 --> 00:40:53,970   Later, the Lord's religious enemies
  tried to trap Him by asking,

479 00:40:53,970 --> 00:40:58,430   "Is it lawful
  to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?

480 00:40:58,430 --> 00:40:59,750   (Matthew 22:17)

481 [196] 00:40:59,750 --> 00:41:05,430   But Jesus perceived their wickedness,
  and said, Why tempt ye me,

482 00:41:05,430 --> 00:41:11,349   ye hypocrites?
  Shew me the tribute money.

483 [197] 00:41:11,349 --> 00:41:15,380   And they brought unto him a penny.
  And he saith unto them,

484 00:41:15,380 --> 00:41:19,310   Whose is this image
  and superscription?

485 00:41:19,310 --> 00:41:22,760   They say unto him, Caesar's.

486 [198] 00:41:22,760 --> 00:41:27,530   Then saith he unto them,
  Render therefore unto Caesar

487 00:41:27,530 --> 00:41:35,090   the things which are Caesar's;
  and unto God the things that are God's.

488 [199] 00:41:35,090 --> 00:41:40,050   When they had heard these words,
  they marvelled, and left him,

489 00:41:40,050 --> 00:41:42,720   and went their way.
  (Matthew 22:18-22)

490 [200] 00:41:42,730 --> 00:41:45,740   Jesus exposed the Pharisees
  when He said,

491 00:41:45,740 --> 00:41:51,760   "Woe unto you,
  scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

492 00:41:51,760 --> 00:41:59,339   for ye are like unto whited sepulchres,
  which indeed appear beautiful outward,

493 [201] 00:41:59,339 --> 00:42:02,540   but are within full of
  dead men's bones,

494 00:42:02,540 --> 00:42:05,250   and all uncleanness."
  (Matthew 23:27)

495 00:42:05,250 --> 00:42:14,530   "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers,
  how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

496 00:42:14,530 --> 00:42:19,190   (Matthew 23:33)

497 [202] 00:42:20,000 --> 00:42:24,920   Jesus said,
  "For God sent not his Son into the world

498 00:42:24,920 --> 00:42:28,920   to condemn the world;
  but that the world through him

499 00:42:28,920 --> 00:42:38,349   might be saved.
  He that believeth on him is not condemned:

500 [203] 00:42:38,349 --> 00:42:43,169   but he that believeth not
  is condemned already,

501 00:42:43,169 --> 00:42:51,339   because he hath not believed in
  the name of the only begotten Son of God."

502 00:42:51,339 --> 00:42:52,710   (John 3:17-18)

503 [204] 00:42:52,710 --> 00:42:57,220   Jesus said to the crowds:
  "He that heareth my word,

504 00:42:57,220 --> 00:43:02,250   and believeth on him that sent me,
  hath everlasting life,

505 00:43:02,250 --> 00:43:08,730   and shall not come into condemnation,
  but is passed from death unto life."

506 00:43:08,730 --> 00:43:10,210   (John 5:24)

507 [205] 00:43:10,210 --> 00:43:15,750   "In him was life;
  and the life was the light of men."

508 00:43:15,750 --> 00:43:17,990   (John 1:4)

509 00:43:17,990 --> 00:43:22,109   The Lord Jesus sent shock waves
  throughout the religious establishment

510 00:43:22,109 --> 00:43:23,450   when He said,

511 [206] 00:43:23,450 --> 00:43:29,869   "I am the way, the truth,
  and the life:

512 00:43:29,869 --> 00:43:35,619   no man cometh unto the Father,
  but by me,"

513 00:43:35,619 --> 00:43:41,210   thereby declaring to the whole world
  that He is the only way to heaven.

514 00:43:41,210 --> 00:43:43,490   (John 14:6)

515 [207] 00:43:43,490 --> 00:43:48,270   Those words
  turned the religious world upside down.

516 00:43:48,270 --> 00:43:51,609   They hated Jesus
  for saying them then

517 00:43:51,609 --> 00:44:00,180   and multitudes hate those words today.

518 [208] 00:44:00,180 --> 00:44:04,010   The Messiah's ministry
  was coming to a close.

519 00:44:04,010 --> 00:44:07,390   The prophet Daniel
  foretold to the exact day

520 00:44:07,390 --> 00:44:14,609   when the Messiah would enter Jerusalem
  to the shouts of Hosanna...

521 [209] 00:44:14,609 --> 00:44:19,509   but Jesus knew that
  within a week they would be shouting

522 00:44:19,509 --> 00:44:24,320   "Crucify Him!" (Mark 15:13)

523 [210] 00:44:24,320 --> 00:44:27,089   Satan was busy
  moving the religious leaders

524 00:44:27,089 --> 00:44:34,599   to plot the death of his greatest enemy.
  After all, it was Jesus Christ

525 00:44:34,599 --> 00:44:39,170   who had thrown him
  and his angels out of heaven.

526 [211] 00:44:39,170 --> 00:44:43,490   The disciples were still excited
  about Jesus' triumphal entry

527 00:44:43,490 --> 00:44:49,650   into Jerusalem,
  believing that He would soon be a king.

528 [212] 00:44:49,650 --> 00:44:52,220   But at the Passover supper,
  Jesus explained

529 00:44:52,220 --> 00:44:58,640   that He was about to
  shed His blood and die.

530 [213] 00:44:58,640 --> 00:45:02,000   Then Jesus took some bread and wine
  as a symbol of

531 00:45:02,000 --> 00:45:07,760   what was about to take place.
  He broke some bread,

532 00:45:07,760 --> 00:45:14,760   which represented His body
  that would be broken on the cross.

533 [214] 00:45:14,760 --> 00:45:19,000   Then He gave them wine,
  which represented

534 00:45:19,010 --> 00:45:24,609   the blood He would shed.
  This established a custom

535 00:45:24,609 --> 00:45:30,389   to be followed until His second coming.

536 [215] 00:45:30,389 --> 00:45:33,740   After the supper,
  Satan made his move.

537 00:45:33,740 --> 00:45:42,300   He used a disciple named Judas Iscariot
  by entering into his body.

538 00:45:42,300 --> 00:45:48,040   What followed made Judas
  the greatest traitor of all history.

539 [216] 00:45:48,040 --> 00:45:55,710   Judas went to the chief priests
  to betray the Lord.

540 [217] 00:45:55,710 --> 00:46:01,150   Judas sold out to the religious crowd
  for 30 pieces of silver.

541 [218] 00:46:01,150 --> 00:46:06,940   Then Satan,
  believing his hour of triumph had come,

542 00:46:06,940 --> 00:46:08,970   summoned his dark forces
  to Jerusalem

543 00:46:08,970 --> 00:46:17,210   to destroy Jesus, the Light of the World.

544 [219] 00:46:17,210 --> 00:46:22,400   That night Jesus took His disciples
  to the garden of Gethsemane,

545 00:46:22,400 --> 00:46:26,530   and left them so He could pray alone.

546 [220] 00:46:26,530 --> 00:46:30,109   The Bible says,
  "And being in an agony

547 00:46:30,109 --> 00:46:34,609   he prayed more earnestly;

548 [221] 00:46:34,609 --> 00:46:38,440   and his sweat was
  as it were great drops of blood

549 00:46:38,450 --> 00:46:42,290   falling down to the ground."
  (Luke 22:44)

550 [222] 00:46:42,290 --> 00:46:49,030   Jesus, "who did no sin,
  neither was guile found in his mouth"

551 00:46:49,030 --> 00:46:54,570   was about to take upon Himself
  the sins of the whole world.

552 00:46:54,570 --> 00:46:56,500   (1 Peter 2:22)

553 [223] 00:46:56,500 --> 00:47:03,290   Jesus prayed, saying,
  "O my Father, if it be possible,

554 00:47:03,290 --> 00:47:10,640   let this cup pass from me:
  nevertheless not as I will,

555 00:47:10,640 --> 00:47:14,940   but as thou wilt."
  (Matthew 26:39)

556 [224] 00:47:14,940 --> 00:47:21,160   "...behold, the hour is at hand,
  and the Son of man is betrayed

557 00:47:21,160 --> 00:47:26,840   into the hands of sinners."
  (Matthew 26:45)

558 [225] 00:47:26,840 --> 00:47:31,460   "And immediately,
  while he yet spake, cometh Judas,

559 00:47:31,470 --> 00:47:35,500   one of the twelve,
  and with him a great multitude

560 00:47:35,500 --> 00:47:38,580   with swords and staves,
  from the chief priests

561 00:47:38,580 --> 00:47:42,180   and the scribes and the elders."
  (Mark 14:43)

562 [226] 00:47:42,180 --> 00:47:47,300   Judas "gave them a sign, saying,
  Whomsoever I shall kiss,

563 00:47:47,300 --> 00:47:50,990   that same is he;
  hold him fast."

564 00:47:50,990 --> 00:47:52,210   (Matthew 26:48)

565 [227] 00:47:52,210 --> 00:47:57,500   "Jesus said unto him, Judas,
  betrayest thou the Son of man

566 00:47:57,500 --> 00:48:00,840   with a kiss?"
  (Luke 22:48)

567 [228] 00:48:00,849 --> 00:48:05,500   "Then came they,
  and laid hands on Jesus,

568 00:48:05,500 --> 00:48:07,089   and took him."
  (Matthew 26:50)

569 [229] 00:48:07,089 --> 00:48:11,010   "And, behold,
  one of them which were with Jesus

570 00:48:11,010 --> 00:48:14,400   stretched out his hand,
  and drew his sword, and

571 00:48:14,400 --> 00:48:18,740   struck a servant of the high priest's,
  and smote off his ear."

572 00:48:18,740 --> 00:48:19,510   (Matthew 26:51)

573 [230] 00:48:19,510 --> 00:48:23,110   But Jesus
  "touched his ear, and healed him"

574 00:48:23,110 --> 00:48:23,860   (Luke 22:51)

575 [231] 00:48:23,860 --> 00:48:27,220   and told them to
  "put up again thy sword

576 00:48:27,230 --> 00:48:31,820   into his place:
  for all they that take the sword

577 00:48:31,820 --> 00:48:36,400   shall perish with the sword."
  (Matthew 26:52)

578 [232] 00:48:36,400 --> 00:48:41,900   Jesus reminded them that
  He could pray to His Father in heaven

579 00:48:41,900 --> 00:48:48,829   and He would give Him more than
  12 legions of angels to rescue Him.

580 [233] 00:48:48,829 --> 00:48:56,540   That would be more than 72,000 angels.
  But Jesus would not allow the angels

581 00:48:56,540 --> 00:49:01,700   to defend Him,
  because He had to be crucified

582 00:49:01,700 --> 00:49:05,020   to fulfill the Scriptures.

583 [234] 00:49:05,030 --> 00:49:09,450   As He was arrested,
  Satan was delighted.

584 00:49:09,450 --> 00:49:14,520   His arch enemy was defenseless...
  and the devil's moment for revenge

585 00:49:14,520 --> 00:49:18,619   had come.

586 [235] 00:49:18,619 --> 00:49:23,750   "And they that had laid hold on Jesus
  led him away

587 00:49:23,750 --> 00:49:28,550   to Caiaphas the high priest,
  where the scribes and the elders

588 00:49:28,550 --> 00:49:30,280   were assembled."
  (Matthew 26:57)

589 [236] 00:49:30,280 --> 00:49:34,849   "Now the chief priests, and elders,
  and all the council,

590 00:49:34,849 --> 00:49:39,710   sought false witness against Jesus,
  to put him to death."

591 00:49:39,710 --> 00:49:40,520   (Matthew 26:59)

592 [237] 00:49:40,520 --> 00:49:45,720   They asked Jesus this question:
  "Art thou the Christ,

593 00:49:45,720 --> 00:49:48,890   the Son of the Blessed?"
  (Mark 14:61)

594 [238] 00:49:48,890 --> 00:49:52,020   Jesus said, "I am!"
  (Mark 14:62)

595 [239] 00:49:52,020 --> 00:49:59,420   "Then the high priest rent his clothes,
  saying, He hath spoken blasphemy;

596 00:49:59,420 --> 00:50:02,800   what further need have we of witnesses?
  (Matthew 26:65)

597 [240] 00:50:02,800 --> 00:50:05,880   "behold,
  now ye have heard his blasphemy.

598 00:50:05,880 --> 00:50:08,109   What think ye?"

599 [241] 00:50:08,109 --> 00:50:11,560   "They answered and said,
  He is guilty of death."

600 00:50:11,560 --> 00:50:12,440   (Matthew 26:65-66)

601 [242] 00:50:12,440 --> 00:50:16,940   "Then did they spit in his face,
  and buffeted him;

602 00:50:16,940 --> 00:50:20,530   and others smote him
  with the palms of their hands,"

603 00:50:20,530 --> 00:50:22,109   (Matthew 26:67)

604 [243] 00:50:22,109 --> 00:50:27,190   "And when they had bound him,
  they led him away,

605 00:50:27,190 --> 00:50:29,160   and delivered him
  to Pontius Pilate the governor."

606 00:50:29,160 --> 00:50:31,869   (Matthew 27:2)

607 [244] 00:50:31,869 --> 00:50:37,800   "And when he was accused
  of the chief priests and elders,

608 00:50:37,800 --> 00:50:39,800   he answered nothing."
  (Matthew 27:12)

609 [245] 00:50:39,800 --> 00:50:46,150   This act fulfilled another prophecy:
  "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,

610 00:50:46,150 --> 00:50:51,170   yet he opened not his mouth:
  he is brought

611 00:50:51,170 --> 00:50:55,710   as a lamb to the slaughter,
  and as a sheep before her shearers

612 00:50:55,710 --> 00:51:00,920   is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth."
  (Isaiah 53:7)

613 [246] 00:51:00,920 --> 00:51:06,920   "And Pilate asked him,
  Art thou the King of the Jews?

614 00:51:06,920 --> 00:51:11,270   And he answering said unto him,
  Thou sayest it."

615 00:51:11,270 --> 00:51:12,010   (Mark 15:2)

616 [247] 00:51:12,010 --> 00:51:17,460   After hearing the charges,
  Pilate was politically trapped.

617 00:51:17,470 --> 00:51:22,910   Out of fear, he looked for a way out.
  "And said Pilate to the chief priests

618 00:51:22,910 --> 00:51:28,440   and to the people,
  I find no fault in this man."

619 00:51:28,440 --> 00:51:30,020   (Luke 23:4)

620 [248] 00:51:30,020 --> 00:51:35,920   The Jews became enraged and
  turned the situation into a near riot,

621 00:51:35,920 --> 00:51:39,480   putting the pressure on Pilate.

622 [249] 00:51:39,480 --> 00:51:44,710   This was a special Jewish feast day
  and Pilate knew that it was customary

623 00:51:44,710 --> 00:51:51,810   to release a prisoner at this time.
  Pilate wanted Jesus released.

624 [250] 00:51:51,810 --> 00:51:55,010   And the soldiers brought
  before the people a murderer

625 00:51:55,010 --> 00:51:58,570   named Barabbas.
  They were to choose

626 00:51:58,570 --> 00:52:02,130   between him and the Lord Jesus.

627 [251] 00:52:02,130 --> 00:52:07,099   Pilate asked the crowd
  to choose which should be released...

628 00:52:07,099 --> 00:52:13,300   Christ or Barabbas... to his surprise...
  They all cried out together...

629 00:52:13,300 --> 00:52:19,500   "Not this man, but Barabbas! ... Barabbas!"
  (John 18:40)

630 [252] 00:52:19,500 --> 00:52:24,740   Pilate asked what he should do
  with the man called the King of the Jews.

631 00:52:24,740 --> 00:52:30,310   The crowd shouted, "Crucify Him!"
  (Mark 15:13)

632 [253] 00:52:30,310 --> 00:52:36,450   Pilate found nothing done by Jesus
  deserving death...

633 00:52:36,450 --> 00:52:40,900   he thought if he had Jesus scourged,
  it would please the crowd

634 00:52:40,900 --> 00:52:43,740   and he could release Him.

635 [254] 00:52:43,740 --> 00:52:49,780   So Jesus was taken by the soldiers
  to be scourged.

636 00:52:49,780 --> 00:52:54,609   The Lord Jesus was
  in complete control of the situation.

637 [255] 00:52:54,609 --> 00:53:00,310   Each step of the crucifixion
  had been planned in heaven

638 00:53:00,310 --> 00:53:07,619   by God the Father, God the Son
  and God the Holy Spirit

639 00:53:07,619 --> 00:53:11,900   before the earth was ever formed.

640 [256] 00:53:11,900 --> 00:53:18,329   They tied the Saviour's hands
  to an overhead beam and whipped Him,

641 00:53:18,329 --> 00:53:22,339   fulfilling the prophecy,
  "He gave His back to the smiters."

642 00:53:22,339 --> 00:53:24,440   (see Isaiah 50:6)

643 [257] 00:53:24,440 --> 00:53:31,640   Jesus had the power to stop them
  but He willingly allowed them to do so.

644 [258] 00:53:31,640 --> 00:53:35,970   The leather whip usually had
  pieces of steel, balls of lead

645 00:53:35,970 --> 00:53:40,960   and sharp bones attached.
  Not only the back was whipped,

646 00:53:40,960 --> 00:53:46,720   but also the buttocks and the legs.

647 [259] 00:53:46,720 --> 00:53:52,580   As the sharp bones and metal
  in the whip tore away the flesh,

648 00:53:52,589 --> 00:53:57,770   muscles were sliced wide open.
  The arteries would be hit,

649 00:53:57,770 --> 00:54:02,099   spurting blood.
  Most victims died

650 00:54:02,099 --> 00:54:04,500   from the beating alone.

651 [260] 00:54:04,500 --> 00:54:10,550   "But he was wounded
  for our transgressions,

652 00:54:10,550 --> 00:54:18,180   he was bruised for our iniquities:
  the chastisement of our peace

653 [261] 00:54:18,180 --> 00:54:26,380   was upon him;
  and with his stripes we are healed."

  00:54:26,380 --> 00:54:32,910
654 00:54:26,380 --> 00:54:32,910   (Isaiah 53:5)

655 [262] 00:54:32,910 --> 00:54:38,520   Remember when God cursed the earth
  with thorns because of sin?

656 00:54:38,520 --> 00:54:41,720   The soldiers made a crown
  of poisonous thorns ...

657 [263] 00:54:41,720 --> 00:54:49,200   ...and jammed it down on His head
  causing terrible pain,

658 00:54:49,200 --> 00:54:52,680   swelling and bleeding.

659 [264] 00:54:52,680 --> 00:54:57,320   Jesus was to become
  the sin offering for us.

660 00:54:57,329 --> 00:55:04,420   The crown of thorns symbolized
  the awfulness of sin.

661 [265] 00:55:04,420 --> 00:55:11,320   And they stripped him,
  and put on him a purple robe.

662 [266] 00:55:11,320 --> 00:55:17,360   They put "a reed in his right hand:
  and they bowed the knee before him,

663 00:55:17,360 --> 00:55:21,240   and mocked him saying,
  Hail, King of the Jews!"

664 00:55:21,250 --> 00:55:22,310   (Matthew 27:29)

665 [267] 00:55:22,310 --> 00:55:26,650   Each soldier present
  hit Jesus in the face

666 00:55:26,650 --> 00:55:31,970   with their fists without mercy
  and struck Him on the head

667 00:55:31,970 --> 00:55:35,090   with the reed.

668 [268] 00:55:35,090 --> 00:55:40,740   They spit upon "The Lamb of God,"
  fulfilling the scriptures...

669 00:55:40,740 --> 00:55:45,310   "I hid not my face
  from shame and spitting."

670 00:55:45,310 --> 00:55:46,690   (Isaiah 50:6b)

671 00:55:46,690 --> 00:55:50,170   "He is despised
  and rejected of men;

672 00:55:50,170 --> 00:55:56,010   a man of sorrows,
  and acquainted with grief."

673 00:55:56,010 --> 00:55:57,470   (Isaiah 53:3)

674 [269] 00:55:57,470 --> 00:56:00,910   Jesus was returned to the governor,
  Pontius Pilate,

675 00:56:00,910 --> 00:56:04,300   who boasted that he alone
  had the power to crucify

676 00:56:04,300 --> 00:56:08,000   or release Jesus.

677 [270] 00:56:08,000 --> 00:56:11,329   But the Lord answered,
  "Thou couldest have

678 00:56:11,329 --> 00:56:19,390   no power at all against me,
  except it were given thee from above."

679 00:56:19,390 --> 00:56:21,050   (John 19:11)

680 [271] 00:56:21,050 --> 00:56:26,819   Jesus had said earlier:
  "I lay down my life,

681 00:56:26,819 --> 00:56:32,950   that I might take it again.
  No man taketh it from me,

682 00:56:32,950 --> 00:56:37,800   but I lay it down of myself."
  (John 10:17b-18a)

683 [272] 00:56:37,800 --> 00:56:41,380   From then on Pilate
  sought to release Him.

684 00:56:41,380 --> 00:56:47,079   But the Jews called out saying,
  "If you let this man go,

685 00:56:47,079 --> 00:56:53,010   "thou are not Caesar's friend:
  whosoever maketh himself a king

686 00:56:53,010 --> 00:56:55,970   speaketh against Caesar."
  (John 19:12b)

687 [273] 00:56:55,970 --> 00:56:58,860   Satan whipped up
  the emotions of the crowd

688 00:56:58,869 --> 00:57:04,500   into total hate for Jesus...
  Satan believed he was

689 00:57:04,500 --> 00:57:08,880   in complete control. He was not!

690 [274] 00:57:08,880 --> 00:57:12,050   Unknowingly,
  Satan was a puppet

691 00:57:12,050 --> 00:57:17,450   playing into God's hands.
  He was completely oblivious

692 00:57:17,450 --> 00:57:21,369   that his actions
  were fulfilling Bible prophecy.

693 [275] 00:57:21,369 --> 00:57:27,500   For the last time, Pilate said,
  "Behold your King..."

694 00:57:27,500 --> 00:57:28,859   (John 19:14b)

695 00:57:28,859 --> 00:57:33,950   but the chief priest said,
  "We have no king but Caesar!"

696 00:57:33,950 --> 00:57:34,920   (John 19:15b)

697 00:57:34,920 --> 00:57:39,420   The mob kept shouting,
  "Crucify Him, Crucify Him!"

698 00:57:39,420 --> 00:57:40,180   (Luke 23:21b)

699 [276] 00:57:40,180 --> 00:57:44,359   So when Pilate saw that
  he had lost control of the situation,

700 00:57:44,359 --> 00:57:50,030   he took water and washed his hands
  before the crowd saying,

701 00:57:50,030 --> 00:57:54,839   "I am innocent of the blood
  of this just person..."

702 00:57:54,839 --> 00:57:56,039   (Matthew 27:24b)

703 [277] 00:57:56,040 --> 00:57:59,640   "Then answered all the people,
  and said,

704 00:57:59,650 --> 00:58:08,560   his blood be on us and on our children."
  God took them at their words

705 00:58:08,560 --> 00:58:13,780   and they have suffered ever since.
  (Matthew 27:25)

706 [278] 00:58:13,780 --> 00:58:18,660   Then Pilate delivered Jesus
  to be crucified...

707 00:58:18,660 --> 00:58:22,480   and they took Him away.

708 [279] 00:58:22,480 --> 00:58:27,579   His flesh is hanging in ribbons
  and He is ordered to carry a cross

709 00:58:27,579 --> 00:58:34,899   weighing over 100 pounds,
  650 yards to the place of execution...

710 00:58:34,900 --> 00:58:38,980   Golgotha.

711 [280] 00:58:38,980 --> 00:58:43,230   The rough wood
  gouged into His torn back,

712 00:58:43,230 --> 00:58:53,410   by now He was already dehydrated.
  The miracle was that He was still living.

713 [281] 00:58:53,410 --> 00:59:01,220   Another prophecy came to pass:
  "Surely he hath borne our griefs,

714 00:59:01,220 --> 00:59:08,460   and carried our sorrows:
  yet we did esteem him stricken,

715 00:59:08,460 --> 00:59:14,200   smitten of God, and afflicted."
  (Isaiah 53:4)

716 [282] 00:59:14,200 --> 00:59:21,060   Another prophecy came to pass:
  "I gave my back to the smiters,

717 00:59:21,069 --> 00:59:25,089   and my cheeks
  to them that plucked off the hair:

718 [283] 00:59:25,089 --> 00:59:35,729   I hid not my face from shame and spitting."
  (Isaiah 50:6)

719 [284] 00:59:35,729 --> 00:59:40,329   God left heaven
  in love and mercy

720 00:59:40,329 --> 00:59:46,540   to bear the insults, lies and hatred
  of His creation

721 [285] 00:59:46,540 --> 00:59:56,980   and to die for their sins.

722 [286] 00:59:56,980 --> 01:00:03,560   The angels watched in horror.

723 [287] 01:00:03,569 --> 01:00:10,000   By now His face
  was mass of torn tissue.

724 01:00:10,000 --> 01:00:13,060   The thorns which had caused
  such massive swelling

725 01:00:13,060 --> 01:00:15,950   and painful infection

726 [288] 01:00:15,950 --> 01:00:19,310   were almost covered
  with swollen flesh that

727 01:00:19,310 --> 01:00:26,060   He no longer looked like a man.

728 [289] 01:00:26,060 --> 01:00:29,940   Hundreds of years before
  this even took place,

729 01:00:29,940 --> 01:00:34,500   the psalmist prophesied
  these words about the Lord Jesus:

730 [290] 01:00:34,500 --> 01:00:39,760   "For dogs have compassed me;
  the assembly of the wicked

731 01:00:39,760 --> 01:00:42,950   have inclosed me:

732 [291] 01:00:42,950 --> 01:00:46,300   they pierced my hands

733 [292] 01:00:46,300 --> 01:00:51,140   and my feet."
  (Psalm 22:16)

734 [293] 01:00:51,140 --> 01:00:56,140   Jesus Himself said...
  "And I, if I be lifted up

735 01:00:56,140 --> 01:01:01,500   from the earth,
  will draw all men unto me."

736 01:01:01,500 --> 01:01:03,960   (John 12:32)

737 [294] 01:01:06,340 --> 01:01:07,660   (THUD!)

738 [295] 01:01:07,660 --> 01:01:12,460   "Greater love hath no man
  than this, that a man

739 01:01:12,470 --> 01:01:17,780   lay down his life for his friends."
  (John 15:13)

740 [296] 01:01:17,780 --> 01:01:22,579   "And with him they crucify
  two thieves;

741 01:01:22,579 --> 01:01:27,869   the one on his right hand,
  and the other on his left.

742 01:01:27,869 --> 01:01:30,680   And the scripture was fulfilled,
  which saith,

743 01:01:30,680 --> 01:01:33,490   And he was numbered
  with the transgressors."

744 01:01:33,490 --> 01:01:34,829   (Mark 15:27-28)

745 [297] 01:01:34,829 --> 01:01:39,119   The soldiers gambled
  for the Lord's clothing.

746 01:01:39,119 --> 01:01:42,540   The gentle Jesus
  was further humiliated

747 01:01:42,540 --> 01:01:48,980   by being stripped naked
  for all the world to see.

748 [298] 01:01:48,980 --> 01:01:53,600   Jesus looked at His tormentors
  and prayed:

749 01:01:53,609 --> 01:02:01,710   "Father, forgive them;
  for they know not what they do."

750 01:02:01,710 --> 01:02:04,640   (Luke 23:34)

751 [299] 01:02:04,640 --> 01:02:07,380   The onlookers said,
  "Save thyself,

752 01:02:07,380 --> 01:02:12,040   and come down from the cross."
  (Mark 15:30)

753 [300] 01:02:12,040 --> 01:02:18,089   "Likewise also the chief priests mocking
  said among themselves with the scribes,

754 01:02:18,089 --> 01:02:24,010   He saved others; himself he cannot save."
  (Mark 15:31)

755 [301] 01:02:24,010 --> 01:02:28,380   "Let Christ the King of Israel
  descend now from the cross,

756 01:02:28,380 --> 01:02:37,460   that we may see and believe."
  (Mark 15:32a)

757 [302] 01:02:37,460 --> 01:02:41,510   The horror of the crucifixion
  was described medically

758 01:02:41,510 --> 01:02:45,190   by a qualified physician, who said:

759 [303] 01:02:45,190 --> 01:02:50,220   "This was the most agonizing death
  man could face...

760 01:02:50,220 --> 01:02:56,220   he had to support himself
  in order to breathe...

761 [304] 01:02:56,220 --> 01:03:00,960   The flaming pain caused by the spikes
  hitting the median nerve

762 01:03:00,960 --> 01:03:10,349   in the wrists explodes up his arms,
  into his brain and down his spine.

763 [305] 01:03:10,349 --> 01:03:12,569   The spike burning through
  the nerves between

764 01:03:12,569 --> 01:03:17,920   the metatarsal bones of the feet
  jerks his body erect,

765 [306] 01:03:17,920 --> 01:03:24,580   then the leg muscles convulse
  and drive his body downward...

766 [307] 01:03:24,590 --> 01:03:29,150   beating him against the cross.

767 [308] 01:03:29,150 --> 01:03:31,700   Air is sucked in,
  but cannot be exhaled

768 01:03:31,700 --> 01:03:35,780   until the buildup of carbon dioxide
  in the lungs and blood stream

769 01:03:35,780 --> 01:03:43,040   stimulates breathing
  to relieve the cramps.

770 [309] 01:03:43,040 --> 01:03:47,840   Exhaustion, shock,
  dehydration and paralysis

771 01:03:47,849 --> 01:03:53,500   destroy the victim.

772 [310] 01:03:53,500 --> 01:03:56,820   The heart is barely able
  to pump the thick blood

773 01:03:56,829 --> 01:04:05,210   As each of his billions of cells
  die one at a time."

774 01:04:05,210 --> 01:04:13,140   Our sins
  sent Jesus Christ to the cross.

775 [311] 01:04:13,140 --> 01:04:18,800   "As many were astonied at thee;
  his visage was so marred

776 01:04:18,800 --> 01:04:22,809   more than any man,
  and his form

777 01:04:22,809 --> 01:04:27,710   more than the sons of men:"
  (Isaiah 52:14)

778 [312] 01:04:27,710 --> 01:04:32,410   This was the turning point
  in all history...

779 01:04:32,410 --> 01:04:38,620   never was there a day like this day.

780 [313] 01:04:38,620 --> 01:04:46,920   "For God so loved the world,
  that he gave his only begotten Son,

781 01:04:46,920 --> 01:04:51,599   that whosoever believeth in him
  should not perish,

782 01:04:51,599 --> 01:04:57,619   but have everlasting life."
  (John 3:16)

783 [314] 01:04:57,619 --> 01:05:02,619   The blood that Jesus shed
  on the cross that terrible day

784 01:05:02,620 --> 01:05:11,080   was not human blood.
  It was God's precious blood...

785 01:05:11,089 --> 01:05:14,960   the only thing
  that could wash away our sins.

786 01:05:14,960 --> 01:05:16,620   (see Acts 20:28; Rev 1:5)

787 [315] 01:05:16,620 --> 01:05:18,060   (THUNDER -- LIGHTNING)

788 [316] 01:05:18,060 --> 01:05:31,880   Why did Jesus go through all this?
  For you... because He loves you!

789 [317] 01:05:31,880 --> 01:05:38,380   The sky became black as
  God the Father could not look upon sin.

790 [318] 01:05:38,380 --> 01:05:43,359   Jesus took the sin of mankind
  upon Himself,

791 01:05:43,359 --> 01:05:48,349   including every evil thought or deed,
  and paid the terrible price

792 01:05:48,349 --> 01:05:51,609   on the cruel cross.

793 [319] 01:05:51,609 --> 01:05:56,819   And Jesus cried out...
  "My God, my God,

794 01:05:56,819 --> 01:06:00,379   why hast thou forsaken me?"
  (Mark 15:34b)

795 [320] 01:06:00,380 --> 01:06:05,560   "Behold the Lamb of God,
  which taketh away

796 01:06:05,569 --> 01:06:08,720   the sin of the world."
  (John 1:29)

797 [321] 01:06:08,720 --> 01:06:14,050   Just before He died,
  the Lord cried out...

798 01:06:14,050 --> 01:06:17,710   "IT IS FINISHED!"
  (John 19:30)

799 01:06:17,710 --> 01:06:23,040   All the work necessary to save us
  was completed.

800 [322] 01:06:23,040 --> 01:06:26,780   "And when Jesus cried
  with a loud voice...

801 01:06:26,780 --> 01:06:32,260   He said, Father, into thy hands
  I commend my spirit:

802 01:06:32,260 --> 01:06:38,619   and having said thus,
  he gave up the ghost."

803 01:06:38,619 --> 01:06:38,619   (Luke 23:46)

804 [323] 01:06:38,620 --> 01:06:46,840   The sacrifice on the cross
  will never be repeated.

805 [324] 01:06:46,849 --> 01:06:51,069   To make sure that He was dead,
  a soldier thrust a spear

806 01:06:51,069 --> 01:06:56,769   in the Lord's side
  and out came blood and water.

807 01:06:56,769 --> 01:06:57,859   (see John 19:34)

808 [325] 01:06:57,859 --> 01:07:01,099   "And when the centurion,
  which stood over against him,

809 01:07:01,099 --> 01:07:06,599   saw that he so cried out,
  and gave up the ghost, he said,

810 01:07:06,599 --> 01:07:15,899   Truly this man was the Son of God."
  (Mark 15:39)

811 [326] 01:07:15,900 --> 01:07:19,040   After His death,
  the body was taken down

812 01:07:19,050 --> 01:07:21,900   from the cross and
  wrapped in fine linen and

813 01:07:21,900 --> 01:07:26,240   placed in a borrowed tomb.

814 [327] 01:07:26,240 --> 01:07:31,760   Great uncertainty gripped Jerusalem.
  The Lord Jesus was dead,

815 01:07:31,760 --> 01:07:36,640   Judas had hanged himself and
  the disciples were hiding

816 01:07:36,650 --> 01:07:39,370   for fear of their lives.

817 [328] 01:07:39,370 --> 01:07:44,760   Everything seemed hopeless.
  The disciples in unbelief

818 01:07:44,770 --> 01:07:49,330   forgot that Jesus said
  He would rise again.

819 [329] 01:07:49,330 --> 01:07:55,790   Then it happened...
  the greatest event of all time.

820 01:07:55,790 --> 01:07:59,850   After three days in the tomb,
  the glory of God

821 01:07:59,850 --> 01:08:02,490   burst forth
  and the crucified One

822 01:08:02,490 --> 01:08:06,230   rose again from the dead
  offering to the world

823 [330] 01:08:06,230 --> 01:08:11,370   the hope of eternal life.

824 01:08:11,370 --> 01:08:14,480   The Lord Jesus,
  in great victory

825 01:08:14,490 --> 01:08:18,609   over sin, death and hell,

826 [331] 01:08:18,609 --> 01:08:25,000   "I am Alpha and Omega,
  the beginning and the ending,

827 01:08:25,000 --> 01:08:30,640   saith the Lord,
  which is, and which was,

828 01:08:30,640 --> 01:08:34,799   and which is to come,

829 [332] 01:08:34,799 --> 01:08:36,649   the Almighty."
  (Revelation 1:8)

830 01:08:36,649 --> 01:08:41,278   "I am he that liveth,
  and was dead;

831 01:08:41,279 --> 01:08:47,189   and behold, I am alive
  for evermore, Amen;

832 01:08:47,189 --> 01:08:50,189   and have the keys
  of hell and of death."

833 01:08:50,189 --> 01:08:53,659   (Revelation 1:18)

834 [333] 01:08:53,660 --> 01:08:57,140   At dawn,
  on the first day of the week,

835 01:08:57,149 --> 01:09:01,838   women brought spices to the tomb
  to anoint the body of Jesus.

836 01:09:01,839 --> 01:09:07,259   They were greeted by an angel who said,

837 [334] 01:09:07,260 --> 01:09:12,120   "Fear not ye:
  for I know that ye seek Jesus,

838 01:09:12,120 --> 01:09:16,500   which was crucified,...
  he is not here,

839 01:09:16,500 --> 01:09:20,640   he is risen, as he said...
  Go quickly and tell his disciples."

840 01:09:20,640 --> 01:09:22,859   (Matthew 28:5-7)

841 [335] 01:09:22,859 --> 01:09:30,059   Satan's kingdom was shattered.
  In his madness, Satan was defeated.

842 01:09:30,060 --> 01:09:35,359   A resurrected Christ
  meant Satan's days were numbered.

843 [336] 01:09:35,359 --> 01:09:40,499   Satan underestimated
  the power of God Almighty.

844 01:09:40,500 --> 01:09:47,020   If he had known it,
  he would have never crucified the Lord.

845 01:09:47,020 --> 01:09:48,140   (see 1 Corinthians 2:8)

846 [337] 01:09:48,140 --> 01:09:53,279   The resurrected Jesus
  was seen by over 500 witnesses.

847 01:09:53,279 --> 01:09:56,899   His disciples were overjoyed.

848 [338] 01:09:56,900 --> 01:10:00,980   The Lord gave them
  this direct order:

849 01:10:00,980 --> 01:10:06,620   "Go ye into all the world,
  and preach the gospel

850 01:10:06,620 --> 01:10:12,860   to every creature."
  (Mark 16:15)

851 [339] 01:10:12,860 --> 01:10:19,420   Now watch closely,

852 01:10:19,420 --> 01:10:28,200   and see the billions upon billions
  who died in their sins.

853 01:10:28,200 --> 01:10:33,380   Jesus loved these people enough
  to leave heaven and warn them

854 01:10:33,380 --> 01:10:37,900   about hell and judgment.

855 01:10:37,900 --> 01:10:45,840   He shed His precious blood, God's blood,
  to wash away their sins.

856 01:10:45,840 --> 01:10:54,940   He died and rose from the dead.
  But none of these people believed Him.

857 01:10:54,940 --> 01:10:59,000   None of them
  made Jesus their Lord and Saviour.

858 01:10:59,000 --> 01:11:04,500   Instead of choosing life,
  they chose death.

859 01:11:04,500 --> 01:11:11,260   So Jesus, as God Almighty
  and final Judge, had to send them here,

860 01:11:11,260 --> 01:11:14,740   to their second death.

861 01:11:14,740 --> 01:11:28,180   In the name of God,
  before it's too late, before you die,

862 01:11:28,180 --> 01:11:33,620   believe Jesus,
  and make Him your Lord and Saviour,

863 01:11:33,620 --> 01:11:41,600   before you end up
  in this horrible place.

864 [340] 01:11:44,380 --> 01:11:49,480   Before His return to heaven,
  Jesus made this wonderful promise

865 01:11:49,480 --> 01:11:56,790   to all those who receive Him:
  "Let not your heart be troubled:

866 01:11:56,790 --> 01:12:01,620   ye believe in God,
  believe also in me.

867 01:12:01,620 --> 01:12:03,420   (John 14:1)

868 [341] 01:12:03,420 --> 01:12:07,320   In my Father's house
  are many mansions:

869 01:12:07,320 --> 01:12:11,320   if it were not so,
  I would have told you.

870 01:12:11,320 --> 01:12:15,840   I go to prepare a place for you.
  (John 14:2)

871 [342] 01:12:15,840 --> 01:12:19,380   And if I go
  and prepare a place for you,

872 01:12:19,380 --> 01:12:25,030   I will come again,
  and receive you unto myself;

873 01:12:25,030 --> 01:12:28,400   that where I am,
  there ye may be also."

874 01:12:28,400 --> 01:12:32,120   (John 14:3)

875 [343] 01:12:32,120 --> 01:12:36,980   Jesus proclaimed that,
  "All power is given unto me

876 01:12:36,989 --> 01:12:44,460   in heaven and in earth..."
  Then He was taken up

877 01:12:44,460 --> 01:12:48,980   into the clouds to heaven.
  (Matthew 28:18; Acts 1:9-11)

878 [344] 01:12:48,980 --> 01:12:55,000   Dear viewer,
  this is the greatest story ever told.

879 01:12:55,000 --> 01:13:02,920   Jesus is indeed the Light of the World.
  If you miss Jesus,

880 01:13:02,920 --> 01:13:07,980   you miss the way to heaven.
  He Himself said,

881 01:13:07,980 --> 01:13:13,500   "I am the way,
  the truth, and the life;

882 01:13:13,500 --> 01:13:17,150   no man cometh unto the Father,
  but by me."

883 01:13:17,150 --> 01:13:19,190   (John 14:6)

884 [345] 01:13:19,190 --> 01:13:25,280   "That if thou shalt confess
  with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,

885 01:13:25,280 --> 01:13:28,600   and shalt believe
  in thine heart that

886 01:13:28,600 --> 01:13:35,100   God hath raised him from the dead,
  thou shalt be saved."

887 01:13:35,100 --> 01:13:36,910   (Romans 10:9)

888 [346] 01:13:36,910 --> 01:13:41,960   Although Satan is a defeated foe,
  God has given him permission

889 01:13:41,960 --> 01:13:47,500   to rule over this world's system,
  which is totally corrupt.

890 [347] 01:13:47,500 --> 01:13:51,480   Satan's purpose
  is to blind the hearts and minds

891 01:13:51,480 --> 01:13:57,340   of people to the Gospel.
  Millions are deceived!

892 [348] 01:13:57,340 --> 01:14:02,600   Religion is one of Satan's way
  of destroying your soul.

893 [349] 01:14:02,610 --> 01:14:08,760   But Jesus came to save your soul.
  Satan has multitudes

894 01:14:08,760 --> 01:14:14,810   following the teachings of Buddha...
  but Buddha is dead.

895 01:14:14,810 --> 01:14:19,090   He's powerless to save,
  for he was only a man.

896 [350] 01:14:19,090 --> 01:14:22,760   Ancient pagan religions
  worshipped Astarte,

897 01:14:22,760 --> 01:14:28,560   known as the Queen of Heaven.
  Today, millions of Roman Catholics

898 01:14:28,560 --> 01:14:31,560   unknowingly worship
  this same pagan goddess

899 01:14:31,560 --> 01:14:33,980   as "the Virgin Mary".

900 [351] 01:14:33,980 --> 01:14:37,020   God Himself commands
  in His Holy Word:

901 01:14:37,030 --> 01:14:41,860   "Cursed be the man
  that maketh any graven or molten image..."

902 01:14:41,860 --> 01:14:42,940   (Deuteronomy 27:15a)

903 01:14:42,940 --> 01:14:49,070   "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them,
  nor serve them."

904 01:14:49,070 --> 01:14:53,910   This is an abomination in the eyes of God.
  (Exodus 20:5)

905 [352] 01:14:53,910 --> 01:14:57,850   One of Satan's masterpieces is Islam.

906 [353] 01:14:57,850 --> 01:15:02,100   History proves that
  Allah was nothing more than

907 01:15:02,100 --> 01:15:05,420   the ancient moon god of the Middle East.

908 [354] 01:15:05,420 --> 01:15:11,080   Mohammed was doomed to hell
  when he rejected Jesus Christ

909 01:15:11,090 --> 01:15:14,699   as his Lord and Saviour.

910 [355] 01:15:14,699 --> 01:15:20,130   The devil has furnished mankind
  with millions of false gods to worship.

911 01:15:20,130 --> 01:15:23,969   In his wicked imagination,
  man has worshipped everything

912 01:15:23,969 --> 01:15:31,489   from insects, to rocks, rivers,
  idols made with hands,

913 01:15:31,489 --> 01:15:37,800   and even Satan himself.

914 [356] 01:15:37,800 --> 01:15:42,780   To be a follower of Jesus,
  you must reject all of your false gods

915 01:15:42,780 --> 01:15:48,480   and follow Him alone.

916 [357] 01:15:48,480 --> 01:15:51,980   The lake of fire
  is the final place

917 01:15:51,989 --> 01:15:55,790   for all who rejected
  the Lord Jesus Christ

918 01:15:55,790 --> 01:16:02,380   as their personal Saviour.
  It's too late for them...

919 01:16:02,380 --> 01:16:06,740   but what about you?

920 [358] 01:16:06,740 --> 01:16:10,860   If you receive Jesus,
  this is the beginning

921 01:16:10,860 --> 01:16:15,540   of a wonderful new life.
  God will bless you and

922 01:16:15,540 --> 01:16:22,000   change your whole life and
  give you a brand new heart.

923 [359] 01:16:22,010 --> 01:16:29,540   All of your problems won't go away,
  but He will carry your burdens for you.

924 01:16:29,540 --> 01:16:36,480   "Casting all your care upon him,
  for he careth for you."

925 01:16:36,480 --> 01:16:37,660   (1 Peter 5:7)

926 [360] 01:16:37,660 --> 01:16:40,500   But the best part will come
  when you stand

927 01:16:40,500 --> 01:16:45,900   before your wonderful Saviour
  at death and He will say to you...

928 01:16:45,900 --> 01:16:54,880   "Well done, thou good and faithful servant...
  enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

929 01:16:54,890 --> 01:16:56,400   (Matthew 25:21)

930 [361] 01:16:56,400 --> 01:17:04,440   God loves you and guided you here
  so you can be saved from a burning hell.

931 01:17:04,440 --> 01:17:07,280   If you want Jesus
  to come into your heart,

932 01:17:07,290 --> 01:17:16,590   you must ask Him.
  Repeat these words and mean them.

933 [362] 01:17:16,590 --> 01:17:24,980   Lord, I realize that
  I am a sinner and need forgiveness.

934 01:17:24,980 --> 01:17:31,020   I believe Christ died for me
  and rose from the dead.

935 01:17:31,020 --> 01:17:39,620   Jesus, I now repent.
  I am willing to turn from sin.

936 01:17:39,630 --> 01:17:48,140   Please come into my heart.
  I trust You alone for my salvation.

937 01:17:48,140 --> 01:17:51,100   Thank you for letting me
  hear and receive

938 01:17:51,110 --> 01:18:04,550   the words of eternal life.
  In Jesus' name, Amen.