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» August 1, 2024

Chick Tract #061 - Dark Dungeons

Dark Dungeons

"Debbie thought playing Dungeons and Dragons was fun...until it destroyed her friend."

o Characteristics collapse_button

Category Occult
First Published 1984
Editions 1984

1984 (A) 1984 (B) 1984 (C)
Print Code #46 #46 #46
Cover Color Demon Red Demon Red Demon Red


o Plot Summary collapse_button

A tract about how tabletop role playing games can lead teenagers towards witchcraft and occult practices. The tract opens with a game of 'Dark Dungeons' underway and the players have encountered a monster. The Dungeon Master then exclaims that Black Leaf (Marcie's character) failed to find a trap and has died. This results in Marcie becoming extremely upset over the death of her character. Following the game, Ms. Frost (the Dungeon Master) explains to Debbie that as a result of her character being raised to the 8th level, she should learn how to cast spells associated with witches (referred to as 'the real power') and invites her to join a coven (the Temple of Diana). Immediately following her induction, she uses her new found abilities to cast a spell on her father.

A few days later, Debbie receives a call from Marcie and heads to her house to visit her, only to find that Marcie has committed suicide as a result of the death of her in-game character, Black Leaf. Debbie begins to experience guilt over Marcie's death, while Ms. Frost gets infuriated that Debbie is more concerned about Marcie than her own growth of power via witchcraft. Following this, Mike sees Debbie is distraught and talks to her, explaining that Jesus is the only answer to her problems and invites her to attend a meeting involving a former practitioner of witchcraft. At the meeting, the speaker preaches about how occult practitioners have limited power and how it is a trap, with the true power coming only from Jesus Christ. He encourages the crowd to destroy their 'occult paraphernalia' and to pray for deliverance. Debbie accepts Jesus into her life and burns her occult gaming materials in a communal bonfire.


o Characters collapse_button

  • Debbie (Elfstar) - Lorem Ipsum.

  • Marcie Anderson (Black Leaf) - Lorem Ipsum

  • Ms. Frost - Lorem Ipsum

  • Mrs. Anderson - Lorem Ipsum

  • Mike - Lorem Ipsum

  • Preacher / Speaker - Lorem Ipsum

  • Unnamed Characters - Dark Dungeons players (4), Temple of Diana coven members (12), Revival meeting attendees (2+), Bonfire attendees (7).


o Exegesis collapse_button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


o Parodies collapse_button

  • 3rd Edition: Tool of Satan? - Will it take some controversial changes in the newest edition of the Master's Guide to show these foolish players just how much danger they're in?
    "We're just unwinding with a little live-action Call of Cthulhu... want to touch my octopus?"
    (foo.ca via The Wayback Machine)

  • Christians and Crusades - What if it were the Christians themselves who got carried away with fantasy role playing?
    "A flick of Hellfire can make anyone a unprincipaled coward!"
    (The Bronze Blog)

  • Dark Dungeons: The Animated Movie (2010) - Computer animated film made by yours truly, covering the plot of the tract... with a few minor embellishments
    "The Lord shall provide! Now who brought the gasoline?"
    (Boolean Union Studios) [Video]

  • Dark Dungeons: The Movie (2014) - A live-action film with impressive production values. Produced with the expressed approval of Chick himself
    "If they want to be a couple of chickens who go their entire lives without experiencing the unrivaled thrill of an RPG, that's their business."
    (Zombie Orpheus Entertainment) [Video]

  • Dark Dungeons: Between the Panels - A mock-u-mentary that posits to catch up with the characters of the tract 25 years after it's publication
    "Oh, and the fumes from the bonfire scene were heinous. All that burning lead, plastic, and ink... I passed out for a little while, and when I woke up, I couldn't remember my own name."
    (The Escapist)

  • Darque Dungeons - The dangers of Dungeons and Dragons extrapolated through a thinly-veiled pastiche of Vampire: The Masquerade as well as Gothic metal music
    "I'll fucking kill anyone who opposes the countercultural assault of noise music WITH MY BARE FUCKING HANDS!"
    (foo.ca via The Wayback Machine)

  • Demonic Deviltry - White Wolf released their tabletop game Demon: The Fallen in 2002, and since that means this old tract was due for a bit of an update, they released their own take on it
    "Do you do that after every game? Not all the time. Sometimes we have sex instead of doing drugs."
    (White Wolf via Scribd - .pdf)

  • Dork Dungeons - If you thought basic D&D was geeky, it gets worse... soooo much worse
    "Sometimes I think about him and, you know, touch myself in the bath... condoms, I'm thinking we'll need a twelve pack."
    (Unhelpful.org via The Wayback Machine)

  • GURPS Fourth Edition - Dark Dungeons - A new gaming paradigm causes dissention in the ranks
    "Afraid I'll steal all the hot guys? I am totally ready. I even started my period."

  • Mystery Science Theater Meets Dark Dungeons - What if the crew of the Satellite of Love took a stab at riffing on a Chick tract?
    "You know this reminds me so much of High School. Two women conspiring to manipulate the men in their lives? No. The Members Only jacket."


o Reviews & Commentaries collapse_button


o Bible References collapse_button

1984 Edition - "A" Version (6) 1984 Edition - "B" Version (8) 1984 Edition - "C" Version (6)
Panel Verse(s) Panel Verse(s) Panel Verse(s)
2   2   2
3   3   3
4   4   4
5   5   5
6   6   6  
7   7   7
8   8   8
9   9   9
10   10   10
11A   11A   11A  
11B   11B   11B
12   12   12  
13   13   13
14   14   14
15   15   15
16   16   16
17   17   17
18   18   18  
19 Acts 2:38
Acts 19:19
Luke 10:19
19 Luke 13:5
Acts 19:19
1 John 4:4
John 8:36
19 Acts 19:19
1 John 4:4
John 8:36
20A   20A   20A
20B   20B   20B  
21   21   21  
21B Acts 19:13-17
John 8:36
2 Corinthians 3:17
21B Acts 19:13-17
John 8:36
2 Corinthians 3:17
21B Acts 19:13-17
John 8:36
2 Corinthians 3:17
22A   22A   22A
22B   22B   22B
    22C Deuteronomy 18:10-12  


o Tropes & Clichés collapse_button

Trope 1984 Edition - "A" Version 1984 Edition - "B" Version 1984 Edition - "C" Version
Title Drop     19


o Scholarly References collapse_button