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The Last Generation

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» August 4, 2024

Chick Tract #031 - The Last Generation (1972)

The Last Generation

"Big Brother's nightmarish world order is just around the corner. Christ is coming soon for believers. Will you be left behind?"

End Times Prophecy

o Characteristics collapse_button

Editions / Variants
Nickname "Cannibal" "Sloppy" "Revised"
Pub Year 1972 1992 1992
BUCINS CHICK.031.1972.## CHICK.031.1992A.## CHICK.031.1992B.##
Fowler Code LSTGa LSTGb LSTGb
Print Code #83 #94 #94
Cover Color Blue Green Green


o Plot Summary collapse_button

A tract set in a dystopian 'near future' that dives into end-time prophecy and opens with a decision made by the World Court that anyone who claims that Jesus Christ is the only way into Heaven shall be committed to camps for mental treatment or executed. The characters who believe in Jesus Christ are talking about how this could be the coming of the "End Times", and how bleak the future has become when Bobby returns home and talks about how dogs and cats make great sacrifices and that they were bad people who were reincarnated into those animals. Following a statement about how a New Age Healer will visit the school for a talk and threats of internment at a concentration camp, the adults discuss the Blessed Hope, where believers are taken into Heaven during the End Times and the events of Armageddon.

The next day at school, Bobby reports his parents and grandfather to the New Age Healers, and the Healers take the grandfather away, torturing him. Meanwhile, Charles, Connie, and her brother Paul are heading to a remote cabin, which is raided by the Healers following Paul's betrayal. However, the Healers find the empty clothes of Charles and Connie as they have just been whisked away to Heaven in the Rapture.


o Tract Contents collapse_button


o Characters collapse_button

  • Supreme Councillor A. Jablonsky / Supreme Justice Mahoney (S.J.) - Legislator / Jurist of the One World Government. Re-envisioned as a pseudo-Supreme Court Justice in the 1992 re-issue. Phillip Carl Jablonski was a serial killer who murdered five women in the western United States between 1978 and 1991. "Chancellor Mahoney" may be an allusion to Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles from 1985 to 2011 A.

  • "Dad" - Unnamed father of Connie and Paul, father-in-law to Charles and grandfather to Bobby. Captured, tortured, executed and eaten by agents of the One World Government for professing a belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

  • Connie - Sister to (and betrayed by) Paul and raptured into Heaven just prior to being captured by the forces of the One World Government.

  • Charles - Father to Bobby. Betrayed by Paul and raptured into Heaven just prior to being captured by the the forces of the One World Government.

  • Paul - Brother to Connie. Betrays Connie and Charles by revealing the location of their hide-out to the agents of the One World Government in exchange for a reward of free drugs.

  • Bobby - Son of Connie and Charles. Betrays his parents and grandfather to the New Age Healers after his grandfather proclaims to him the divinity of Jesus Christ.

  • Unnamed Characters - News Reporter, One World Judges (6), School Teacher, New Age Healer Presenter, New Age Healer Interrogators (2), New Age Healer Administrator, Helicopter pilots (2).


o Exegesis collapse_button

Originally released in 1972, The Last Generation showcases an interpretation of some of Chick's predictions of the state of the world just prior to the Rapture of the Christian Church. While more explicitly stated in later editions, this vision is set in the "near future" while still remaining ambiguous as to the specific year (or even decade) it is meant to represent. A useful footnote provided in 031.1972.06 implies that "many Bible scholars" hold a generation to comprise 40 years, while still allowing for others who ascribe to a more generous period of 70 years. As the dialog purports that the titular "Last Generation" began with the founding of the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948, assuming the former figure of forty years would place the date of the Rapture on May 14, 1988 (or approximately 16 years after the initial publication of the tract). This would seem to align with similar predictions common to Christian apocalypticism of the time, such as those put forward by Edgar Whisenant in his book "88 Reasons Why The Rapture Will be in 1988" as well as by Hal Lindsey in his best selling 1970 book "The Late Great Planet Earth"B. This second example may represent the direct source for Chick's arithmetic, as it was Lindsey who proposed 40 years as the appropriate unit of measurement and suggested the founding of Israel as the calibration date. Given that the Rapture failed to take place in 1988, this is probably the cause for this footnote, as well as all other specific references to time to be stricken from the second edition published in 1992. By assuming the longer generational period of 70 years instead, the Rapture would have instead been slated for 2018. Given that Chick died on October 23, 2016, one can deduce he may very well have gone to his grave believing that the Bride of Christ was still slated to meet their savior "in the air" at some point in the very near future. The same may not be able to be said of the tract's artist, Fred Carter, who himself died on May 9, 2022.

Last Generation displays a number of concepts that crop up repeatedly in other Chick works. The "One World" government that presides over our setting is clearly implied to arise from (or be a direct manifestation of) the United Nations. This can be gathered from the One World flag featured on page 3 of all editions of the tract and which bears a logo virtually identical to that used by the UN itself. In the original edition, this austere organization is presided over by a panel of jurists headed by Supreme Councillor A. Jabolnsky. Twenty years later, it is further elaborated that this "World Court" is located in Rome (031.1992a.02), is more explicitly linked in its trappings to the United States Supreme Court, and is now directed instead by a Supreme Justice Mahoney. This name change could have been made to associate the character with Cardinal Roger Michael Mahony, who carried out his religious duties in Los Angeles, California at that time not far from where the headquarters of Chick Publications was located. Cardinal Mahony would later go on to be relieved of his position in 2013 due to his involvement in the cover-up of the Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal. Likewise, the pinpointing of the Court's location to Rome (placing it in proximity to the Vatican) further showcases Chick's deep distrust of the Catholic Church itself, an opinion heavily influenced by his contemporary collaboration with the "ex-Jesuit priest" Alberto Rivera.

In this dystopian future world, proclamations of Christ's crucifixion as atonement for the sins of mankind are strictly outlawed and subject to involuntary commitment or execution of the perpetrator. The nature of the crime was later narrowed down to merely professing that Jesus represents "the ONLY way to the Father in Heaven" (031.1992a.03). This is a curious development, as it is later established that the dominant religion sanctioned by the New World Order seems to deify a poorly defined "Mother Goddess" (031.1992a.09) implying a more matriarchal disposition. This Mother Goddess, of course, is further implication that the Catholic Church supposedly venerates and worships the concept of the Virgin Mary over and above that of her son Jesus (see CHICK.082, "Why is Mary Crying?"). While Catholic practice does have a tendency to place a greater emphasis on the position and authority of Mary than some other denominations, she is nonetheless still regarded as a mediatrix separate from (and still quite inferior to) the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. More simply, whereas Jesus serves as the sole conduit of grace between mankind and God (in accordance with 1 Timothy 2:5), Mary serves as the conduit between mankind and Jesus by having acquiesced to facilitate his corporeal birth (Luke 1:35-38). This concept of a Mother Goddess crops up in numerous other works by Chick and appears to represent an amalgamation of numerous historical female figures/deities including the Babylonian Semiramis, the Canaanite Astarte, the Roman Diana, the Hindu Devaki, the Egyptian Isis, and so on (082.1987.17A).

The ironically named New Age "Healers" who act as administrators and enforcers of this new world order sport a rather iconic (and as some have highlighted rather phallic) uniform and appearance. In addition to the emblem of the One World Government and flashing "peace" salutes in the first edition (031.1972.13B), their standard issue uniform bears the image of the Rod of Asclepius topped by a traditional peace symbol. The rod further serves to highlight the discrepancy between the implication of their providing aid while in practice they are only observed to misinform, oppress, and torture the populace. The peace symbol, first created in Britain in 1958 as an insignia meant to represent nuclear disarmament and popularized by the anti-war movement in the United States through the 1960's and early 70's, was designed as a representation of the flag semaphore gestures for the letters "N" and "D". Chick held that it instead symbolizes an inverted cross with the arms "broken down" to represent a rejection of Christ (014.1970.4B)C and further associating this world as being under the influence of ancient, heathen religions. Perhaps the best example of this would be the comic The Broken Cross, which is named after the concept and contains the helpful footnote "the inverted broken cross, the symbol of the anti-christ, was very popular during the Dark Ages" (C02.1974.27C).


o Tract Variations collapse_button

In addition to the revision that took place between the original 1972 edition and the 1992 reprint, there appears to have been a second printing that was also published some time after this and which contained a number of less obvious (but still rather interesting) changes to both the text and various panel art. These changes can be highlighted by directly comparing the pages of the two versions via mouse-over above and which include…

  • A slight increase in font size of the suffix “S.J.” to Mahoney’s title in Panel 2A.

  • A decrease in the size of “Dad’s” face and the addition of an ellipsis to his speech bubble in Panel 4B.

  • A walking back of the certainty of Dad's statement by modifying his line indicating that the current turmoil "proves" they are in the Last Generation, to instead softening it to say that it merely "could be" the Last Generation in Panel 5A. There is also another ellipsis as well as the addition of a “Really?” speech bubble for Charles in the same panel.

  • The addition of yet another ellipsis to Dad’s speech bubble in Panel 6A.

  • Bobby now mentions that he is ridiculed by his classmates not only because his parents are married, but also because they identify as straight in Panel 7A. An ellipsis was also added to the bible reference in the footer. The rising mainstream awareness and resulting controversy of gay and lesbian relationships during the late 1980's and 1990’s may have been what prompted this specific modification.

  • A typo containing a duplication of the word “the” was removed in Panel 9A. The word “And” was capitalized in Panel 9B.

  • Bobby has gone from referring to his grandfather as an “old crud” to calling him an “intolerant jerk” in Panel 10A. An accusation of being “intolerant” was levied against Chick many times during his life due to his opinions on Catholics, Muslims, homosexuals, and a number of other religious, political, and minority groups. This update could have been made to vent a bit of steam over this fact.

  • In Panel 11A, Charles has changed from asking his father to explain the Blessed Hope to him once Bobby has fallen asleep to requesting that he tell him about it “again” now that Bobby is already asleep. An additional Bible reference to Titus was added next to an explanation for the term “Blessed Hope”, the “Later” caption was swapped from Panel 11B to 11A and an asterisk was added to direct to the Bible reference in Thessalonians in the footer.

  • An additional comma was added to Dad’s speech in Panel 12A and the Battle of Armageddon was stripped of its quotation marks and supplemented by Bible references in Revelations in Panel 12B, perhaps in an attempt to emphasize its literalness.

  • Additional Bible references to the Gospel of John, Colossians and Revelations as well as referencing asterisks were added to Panel 15B.

  • In Panel 16B, Connie’s use of the word “Daddy” has been capitalized.

  • The “CRASH” onomatopoeia has been changed from black to white lettering in Panel 20A.

  • The image of the crucified Christ on Page 21 has been slightly zoomed out.

  • In Panel 22B, Bobby is no longer said to “grow up” prior to dying in his sins, and the word “accept” has been replaced by “trust” in the Sinner’s Prayer provided. This corrects a basic issue with the earlier version in that it would seem unlikely Bobby would have an opportunity to actually reach adulthood given that the Rapture takes place at the conclusion of the tract, and that according to Chick’s orthodoxy, Jesus Christ was expected to return to eliminate all unbelievers and assume rulership over all the world no more than seven years following this event.

A majority of the changes between these two editions appear to have been related to basic grammatical improvements and it appears as though the opportunity was used to also gloss over and polish a few theological and continuity errors at the same time.


o Parodies collapse_button

  • The Last Subgenius Generation - The Church of the Subgenius presents a tract pushing the merits of Bob and the evils of Jesus "Pussy Lover" Christ. (foo.ca via The Wayback Machine)


o Reviews & Commentaries collapse_button


o Bible References collapse_button

1972 Edition (23) 1992 Edition - "A" Version (8) 1992 Edition - "B" Version (14)
Panel Verse(s) Panel Verse(s) Panel Verse(s)
2A   2A   2A
2B   2B   2B
3   3   3
4A   4A   4A
4B   4B Philippians 1:21 4B Philippians 1:21
5A   5A   5A
5B   5B   5B
6A Matthew 24:36
Matthew 24:32-34
6A   6A
6B Matthew 24:22 6B   6B
7A   7A Exodus 20:12 7A Exodus 20:12
7B   7B   7B
8A   8A   8A Hebrews 9:27
8B Matthew 24:7
Matthew 24:12
8B Hebrews 9:27 8B
9A   9A   9A
9B   9B   9B
10A   10A   10A
10B   10B   10B
11A 2 Timothy 3:1-3 11A   11A Titus 2:13
11B Revelations 17:1-6 11B 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 11B 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
12A 2 Timothy 3:1
2 Timothy 4:3-4
12A   12A
12B   12B   12B Revelations 16:13-16
Revelations 19:11-21
13A   13A   13A
13B 1 Timothy 4:1 13B   13B
14A   14A   14A
14B   14B   14B
15A   15A   15A
15B Matthew 10:33 15B   15B John 1:1
Colossians 1:16
Revelations 1:5
16A Matthew 10:36 16A   16A
16B 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 16B   16B
17A Philippians 1:29 17A   17A
17B   17B   17B
18A   18A   18A
18B   18B   18B
19A   19A 19A  
19B   19B 19B  
20A   20A 20A  
20B Mark 13:32-37
1 Thessalonians 5:2
1 Corinthians 15:51-53
20B 20B
20C   20C 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 20C 1 Corinthians 15:51-53
21A   21 Romans 3:23
John 3:16
21 Romans 3:23
John 3:16
22A Revelations 3:10-11 22A Romans 10:13 22A Romans 10:13
22B Isaiah 24:6
Revelations 8:7-12
Matthew 24:21
Revelations 1:7
Revelations 19:11-16
22B   22B


o Tropes & Clichés collapse_button

Trope 1972 Edition 1992 Edition - "A" Version 1992 Edition - "B" Version
Grawlixes 7A, 16A, 17B, 21A    
Talking Windows 5A, 6B, 10A, 11B, 19B 5A, 6B, 10A, 11B, 19B 5A, 6B, 10A, 11B, 19B
Title Drop 5B 5A 5A
Suffering Christ 22 21 21


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