Boolean Union Studios


Upcoming Boolean Union Studios Project

Project History


The original Maria story was written December 2007, and was published in the 2007-08 issue of Avalon Literary Magazine at Shenandoah University.

The Maria animation project began April 2010. Preproduction for Maria largely overlapped with the main production of Dark Dungeons. Script adaptation and set design began during this period, followed by character designs. The sets for William's Apartment, the Classroom, the Tech Bay, the College Hallway, and the Park were developed during this time, along with all major character models.

In July, most of Boolean Union's attention switched back to Dark Dungeons. In November 2010, Dark Dungeons entered post-production, and work resumed on Maria. In November, The TV Studio was developed, and an extensive effort to build a new mall set began. In February 2011, The Bar set was developed. In March, the Hastings U campus and the Food Court were begun, and the script took on its final shape. From May to September, Boolean Union was on hiatus due to other circumstances. In September work resumed on the remaining unfinished sets.



Project Progress
Dialog Recording
Lip Syncing
Sound/ Music
Post-production/ Effects
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Scene 6
Scene 7
Scene 8
Scene 9
Scene 10
Scene 11
Scene 12


Last Updated: July 22, 2024